Why Narcissists Get Way More Action Than Everyone Else

I think many of us can agree that one of the most annoying and annoying personality traits in the world is narcissism.

A narcissist is a person who always tells you when he will arrive and when he will leave Finally, after exhausting everyone around him with tales of how amazing and superior he is, there is a collective sigh of relief.

Narcissists are the absolute worst. All we have to do is look at Kanye “Yeezus” West to see that.

Related: What Being In A Relationship With A Narcissist Really Does To A Person

But the problem with narcissists is that they are not going anywhere any time soon.

Although we would like the narcissistic part of the population to die, the chances of this happening are very vague. Why? Because they have more sex than the rest of us! I know I know. It is a terrible, heartbreaking truth that cannot be changed.

An additional problem is that narcissism is “highly adaptive,” so it is much easier to pass on to future generations than other disorders.

If you take two narcissists, who truly believe they are the greatest things that have ever existed, and then allow them to procreate, this offspring with these two conceited parents praising them and putting them on a pedestal their whole lives 24/7, will result in a miserable child and a A more miserable adult. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.

Related: I Fell For A Narcissist — Then Prayed For A Miracle

Why narcissists get more work than everyone else:
But why do narcissists have more sex? Because they’re so concerned with themselves, so of course they do it.

Or as Jessica Tracy, a professor at the University of British Columbia, explains, “When you talk about truly pathological narcissism, it’s hard to say why it hasn’t been excised from the gene pool. But when you talk about pathological narcissism, ‘All you have to do is repeat yourself, and narcissists are good. Too bad to do that.” Ugh. See what’s going on here? Northwest is going to be worse than her parents! Yes, I’m predicting that for her future!

Related: 5 Ways Astrology Warns You Someone Might Be A Narcissist

But the thing is, even though narcissists tend to be seen as outcasts in society with their conceited ways, men and women are still attracted to them, at least sexually.

She’s the confident woman in the room and the “bad boy” man who rarely goes home alone at night. But realistically, who wants to deal with that kind of ego on a regular basis? Not me, and probably not you either. In fact, this is why narcissists have not yet ascended to a “position of total gender dominance.”