When Lines Get Crossed: Understanding The 9 Different Types of Cheating In A Relationship

What is considered cheating? Sleeping with someone, or “slipping into the DM”? Research the types of cheating in a relationship to understand where to draw a line.

Exploring examples of cheating in a relationship can help you gain a deeper understanding of what actions might be considered unacceptable in your relationship so that you and your partner can work together to prevent cheating before it happens.

What is considered cheating? 9 types of cheating in a relationship

  1. Physical cheating

It is one of the most obvious forms of cheating and involves the act of having a sexual or physical relationship with someone outside of one’s committed relationship.

Cheating is considered a wide range of behaviour, such as kissing, touching, sexual intercourse, or engaging in any other type of physical intimacy with someone who is not one’s partner.

Signs of physical cheating can include changes in behavior or routine:

Like being unavailable or far away

Shows a lack of interest in physical intimacy
Showing unexplained signs of physical injury
This can be anything from a one-night stand to a long-term relationship that causes significant damage to the relationship, as it violates the trust and commitment that are essential to a healthy and stable partnership.

The betrayed partner may experience a range of negative emotions, such as anger, hurt, betrayal, and loss of trust in their partner. It can be difficult to forgive and can often lead to the end of a relationship.

  1. Emotional cheating

This refers to the act of being emotionally unfaithful in a committed relationship. It can involve developing a deep emotional attachment or attachment to someone outside of one’s relationship.

It could be with a close friend, co-worker, or ex-partner, engaging in intimate conversations or activities with them.

Signs of emotional cheating may include:

Spending excessive time with someone outside the relationship
Confidentiality regarding communication or dealings with this person
Sharing personal details or problems with this person rather than with their partner
Feeling a deep emotional connection or attraction to that person.
This type of cheating can be just as harmful as physical cheating and can lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

  1. Partial fraud

Petty cheating refers to subtle or small behaviors that could be considered a breach of trust in a committed relationship.

These behaviors may not be overtly sexual or intimate, but they can still cause feelings of betrayal, hurt, and loss of trust in a partner. Examples of simple cheating include:

Flirt with someone outside of the relationship, even if it’s just harmless banter.
Hiding secrets or withholding information from a partner, such as having a secret social media account or messaging someone secretly.
Like or comment on social media posts of someone outside the relationship in a way that suggests a deeper connection.
Maintaining a friendship with an ex or someone with a romantic history.
Complimenting someone outside of the relationship in a way that suggests deeper attraction

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  1. Texting or cheating online

This refers to the act of emotional or sexual infidelity in a committed relationship through digital means.

This can include engaging in intimate conversations, sharing explicit photos or videos, or engaging in sexual activity with someone other than a partner through electronic or digital channels.

Signs of cyber fraud may include:

Spending more time online or on social media than with a partner
Using secret or private messaging apps or accounts
Overprotection of your phone or computer.

  1. Financial fraud

It is a deceptive or dishonest act about one’s financial situation or spending habits in a committed relationship.

This can include hiding money or debts, lying about income or expenses, or making important financial decisions without a partner’s knowledge or consent.

Signs of financial fraud may include:

Hide bank accounts or credit cards from one partner,
Make big purchases without discussing them
Lying about income or expenses or keeping financial secrets.

  1. Cheating time

“Time cheating” is a term that can refer to different types of behavior in a relationship, but it generally includes dishonesty or deception about how a person spends their time.

This can include lying about the person’s whereabouts, not showing up at the expected time, or spending long periods of time away from the relationship without a proper explanation.

Signs of cheating may include:

Being defensive when asked about the person’s whereabouts
Often cancel plans or not show up
Showing unexplained changes in behavior or routine
Spending a long time at work
Prioritize hobbies or other activities over your relationship.
While cheating for the time may not seem as serious as other forms of cheating, it can still cause problems in the relationship.

  1. Memorial devotion

This describes a type of infidelity where a person remains in a committed relationship but lacks feelings of love, sexual desire, or attachment to their partner.

Alternatively, the relationship may only survive through a sense of obligation or societal pressure, rather than a true emotional attachment

This can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and a desire for emotional gratification outside of the relationship, which may manifest itself as emotional or physical deception.

Some signs may include:

Away or separated from a partner or relationship
Suddenly working longer hours
Less interested in physical intimacy
Feelings of guilt or discomfort during intimate moments

Related: 7 Warning Signs Your Boyfriend Might Be Cheating On You

  1. A physical relationship without sex

While physical intimacy is often a determining factor in a romantic or sexual relationship, it is possible to have a physical relationship without having sex.

Physical intimacy can include a wide range of behaviors, such as hugging, kissing, cuddling, holding hands, or even spending time together in a physically intimate way.

If a person engages in any of these behaviors with someone outside of their committed relationship, this could be considered a physical relationship.

Note that this does not necessarily mean sexual intercourse but it can still be considered cheating and the signs include:

Spends a lot of time alone with another person
Texting someone else constantly, even when they’re with their partner
Hiding or lying about their interactions with this other person
Emotionally distant and more focused on the other person
Making excuses to spend time away from home

  1. Mental cheating (imagine someone else)

It’s normal to occasionally have brief thoughts or fantasies about someone you find attractive. However, constantly allowing your mind to wander and dream up actions that could lead to action can be seen as a form of emotional or mental cheating.

This can eventually lead the person to act on those desires or it can take their mind off their current relationship.

Constant thinking or daydreaming about another person.
Negatively comparing your current partner to someone else.
Feeling dissatisfied with the current relationship.
Increased secrecy and withdrawal from the relationship

How do you deal with cheating in a relationship?

Dealing with cheating in a relationship can be very difficult and emotionally difficult. Here are some steps you can take:

Take your time to process your emotions

Finding out that your partner has cheated on you can be a very emotional experience. Give yourself time to process your feelings and try not to make any rash decisions.

Talk to your partner

Once you’ve had time to process your feelings, have an open and honest conversation with your partner about what happened. Ask them to be honest with you about why they cheated and listen to what they have to say.

Ask for support

It may be helpful to talk to a trusted friend or family member about what happened. If you are struggling to adjust, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor.

Decide what you want

Once you’ve talked to your partner and asked for support, think about what you want to do next. Do you want to try to work things out, or do you feel like the relationship has come to an end?

take care of yourself:

Dealing with infidelity can be emotionally stressful, so it’s important to prioritize self-care. Make sure you take care of your physical and mental health and give yourself time to heal.

In conclusion, there are different types of cheating in a relationship. Whether the cheating is physical, emotional, petty, electronic, financial, or time cheating, any form of cheating can harm a relationship.

It is important for couples to communicate openly and honestly with each other to prevent cheating before it happens

By recognizing the signs of cheating in a relationship and working together to build a strong and trusting relationship, couples can prevent cheating and build a lasting, healthy relationship.

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