Search Results for mental health

Popular Strategies of a Narcissist

Key Points Narcissists often play on the sly; they are unlikely to attack someone when others are watching. Narcissists are experts at blaming others. In narcissistic relationships, boundaries and limitations are seen as a mistake. It may come as a…

How To Spot and Stop Narcissists

“Enough of me talking about myself—let’s hear you talk about me!” ― Anonymous Narcissist “It’s not easy being superior to everyone I know!” ― Anonymous Narcissist Psychologist Steven Johnson writes that a narcissist is someone who “buries his true self…

The Concept of Narcissistic Supply

Key Points Narcissists’ lack of self and internal resources makes them dependent on others to validate their weak self-esteem and fragile ego. They use others as objects to provide for themselves. Like parasites, no matter how much you give, it…

The 3 Types of Narcissists

Key Points Narcissists lack empathy, insight, accountability, and the ability to consider a partner’s perspective if it differs.The funny narcissist treats every relationship problem as a joke, including the feelings of their loved ones.The sweet narcissist is kinder to strangers…