9 things a high-level manipulator will do when you call them out

Manipulation is a dark art. It’s all about getting someone to do what you want while hiding your true intentions. But what happens when you come clean about a high-level manipulator?

Unmasking a manipulator is hard. They’re masters of deception and deception. And they have a few tricks up their sleeve when you confront them.

In this article, we’ll delve into the nine things a high-level manipulator will do when you expose them. And trust me, it’s not as simple as you might think.

1) They’ll Play the Victim

Manipulators are masters of deception. Playing the victim is one of their favorite tricks.

When you confront them, instead of acknowledging their behavior, they’ll turn the tables on you. Suddenly, they’re no longer the perpetrator. Instead, they portray themselves as the innocent victim who was wrongfully accused.

This tactic is designed to make you feel guilty for criticizing them. It’s a clever way to shift the focus from their manipulative actions to your supposed “unfair accusations.”

But don’t let them fool you. Stand your ground and remember that acknowledging and challenging manipulation is not wrong, it’s necessary.

2) They’ll twist your words

I remember a time when I confronted a manipulative person in my life. I was clear, calm, and assertive. But their response? They twisted my words.

In the blink of an eye, my justified concerns turned into wild accusations. My desire for open dialogue became an assumed attack on their character. It was as if everything I said was twisted in a funhouse mirror.

This is a common trick used by high-level manipulators. They will distort what you say to fit their narrative, making you question your sanity. It’s a form of manipulation, and it’s very confusing.

3) They’ll try to deflect blame

Manipulators are experts at evading responsibility. When confronted, they often shift the blame onto someone else. It’s a psychological defense mechanism known as projection.

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Projection occurs when a person attributes their unwanted feelings or behaviors to someone else. In other words, they blame you for their mistakes.

When you attack a manipulator, don’t be surprised if they accuse you of the very thing they’re guilty of. It’s a clever way to divert attention away from their actions and keep you on the defensive.

4) They’ll Question Your Motives

When you attack a manipulator, they’ll often refocus on you. They’ll question your motives, your integrity, and even your sanity.

“Why are you accusing me?” “Are you sure you’re not overreacting?” These are classic lines designed to make you doubt yourself.

Their goal is to make you feel like you’re being irrational. They want to undermine your confidence in your judgment. It’s a cunning way to keep you off balance and maintain their control.

But don’t let them shake you. Trust your instincts and remember that calling out manipulation is a necessary step toward healthier relationships.

5) They’ll Make Empty Promises

Have you ever heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words”? It couldn’t be more true when dealing with manipulators.

When confronted, they will often make grandiose promises to change their behavior. They will promise to improve their behavior, treat you right, and never repeat their mistakes. But these are often just empty words designed to appease you and divert attention from their manipulative behavior.

It’s important to remember that real change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and consistency. So, don’t be swayed by their sweet talk. Find consistent action instead.

6) They’ll try to isolate you

There’s a painful truth to the story when dealing with manipulators—they will often try to isolate you.

Why? Because your support network is a threat to their control. Your friends and family are the ones who can help you see the manipulator’s true colors. They can provide the reassurance and validation you need when you start to doubt yourself.

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So, manipulators will often try to drive a wedge between you and your loved ones. They will sow seeds of distrust, create misunderstandings, and portray themselves as your only true friend.

7) They’ll Make You Feel Guilty

I remember a time when I stood up to one of the manipulators in my life. Their immediate reaction was to make me feel guilty. They played on my emotions, making me feel like I was the one hurting them.

“You’re too sensitive,” they said. “You’re overreacting,” they claimed. Their words were like daggers, designed to pierce my self-esteem and leave me questioning my feelings.

These are classic tactics manipulators use. They will try to induce guilt to regain control of the situation. It’s a way for them to escape responsibility and keep you under their control.

8) They’ll distract you and divert you from the things you want.

When you confront a manipulative person about their behavior, they will often try to change the subject. They will bring up irrelevant issues, old arguments, or even flattering compliments. Anything that will distract you from the topic at hand.

This is a classic diversionary tactic. By changing the focus of the conversation, they can avoid answering your concerns. It’s a clever way to evade responsibility and throw you off balance.

But don’t let them distract you from the topic at hand. Stay focused on the topic at hand. You deserve answers, and it’s okay to insist on them.

9) They’ll Deny Everything

When confronted, high-level manipulators will often deny everything.

No matter how clear the evidence is, they will refuse to acknowledge their manipulative behavior. This outright denial is their last attempt to maintain control.

Keep this in mind: Denial doesn’t change reality. You know what you went through, and you know how you felt. Trust your instincts and stick to the truth. It’s not your job to convince the manipulator of their mistakes; It’s your job to protect yourself and demand respect.

Final Thoughts: It’s About Self-Protection

The complex world of human behavior is often a reflection of our instincts and survival mechanisms.

In the case of high-level manipulators, their actions aren’t just about control; they’re about self-preservation. When they’re pushed into a corner, their instinctive response is to deflect, deny, and distract to protect their self-image.

By calling them out, you’re triggering this survival response. But it’s important to remember that their reaction isn’t a reflection of your worth or worth. It’s simply their way of coping with the discomfort of being exposed.

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