5 Dating Deal Breakers You Should Never Ignore

There are some dating deal breakers that you should never ignore, no matter what happens. Knowing and understanding the inconsistencies of these dating deals can protect you from manipulation and deception.

One day, there may be a vaccine against COVID-19. But there will never be a vaccine that gives you immunity against bad relationships (I spent years in the lab trying to make one).

Immunity to toxic relationships can only be achieved by recognizing common traps, and identifying the Machiavellian tactics used by toxic people.

If you are currently in a toxic relationship, you may be wondering, How did this happen? I am an intelligent and independent person. I should have known better.

Oh, honey, you’ve been deceived. Although it may have started under the pretense of heaven, it has led you to a deep, dark hell. but don’t eat –

If your boyfriend shows any of the following signs or does the following things: scram, boys, and girls. Ladies, if you see any of these signs, ditch those stilettos and run far, far away. Pack your things and get out. Run away from the scene. Disappears. Put your apartment on an Air B&B and go to Costa Rica (or somewhere not listed on your public Pinterest board).

5 Dating deal breakers you just can’t ignore

  1. You are perfect.

One of the biggest red flags in dating is idealism. It’s not that they’re lying: they believe you’re perfect. They see no flaws in your physical appearance, personality, dreams, or aspirations.

You are everything they hope their partner is and more. You’re a divine figure, especially, a unicorn to a person (impossibly awesome-worthy, but “unicorn” better captures the animated spirit behind it). They don’t see you as a human – you’re an angelic spider runway model who never gets killed.

This is no longer the case. Over time, their rose-tinted vision will fade, and they will begin to feel disappointed in your humanity. They will start criticizing everything. Nothing will be enough for them.

Related: 17 Manipulative Mind Games Narcissists Play To Disturb Their Victims

  1. Woe to me.
    Narcissists and sociopaths prey on empaths. What is the quality that distinguishes sympathy from the masses? An unfounded well of empathy for others.

If this guy is bad news, he’s likely to reveal a complicated and traumatic past that heroically overcame him — all in the early stages of dating.

By gaining your sympathy and amazement, they gauge how naive and innocent you are for future exploitation.

  1. My ex was crazy.
    There’s nothing quite as annoying as someone claiming that all of their past experiences were crazy. There was no ripple in the relationship because of the stone they threw; It was always due to some emotional turmoil in their unstable partner.

Rest assured: history is the best predictor of the future, and if they have a trail of drama behind them, a trail of drama awaits them.

  1. I will show them.
    Oh, honey, sweet narcissist. Nobody cares like you think they do. But, alas, they will strive to show everyone how wonderful they are, to strengthen the shell around their empty and insecure essence.

Narcissist is always under the illusion of the spotlight – they constantly realize that all eyes are on them. They have usually carefully curated social media accounts and made huge plans to get more attention.

They live for validation and seek to prove themselves at every turn. Their fragile egos can’t handle the horror of perceived imperfection.

Related: When Lines Get Crossed: Understanding The 9 Different Types of Cheating In A Relationship

  1. Us vs. the World.

Deal breakers on a date
Being! Run run run run!

The narcissist does not instinctively trust others. They cannot feel that the world is a supportive, connected place. For them, life is full of cheaters, liars, and competitors. But they seem to forget the axiom of all truisms: Our view of the world is an acknowledgment of our personality.

For narcissists, being told “us against the world” is the ultimate flattery—who wouldn’t want to be in constant cahoots with them, plotting world conquest? They will try to draw a line in the sand between your relationship and “the rest of the world.”