18 phrases master manipulators use to charm and deceive you

Not only is manipulation often subtle, it can come in all shapes and sizes.

Sometimes, someone will use flattery to try to exert power over you. Other times they will try to shade your eyes and convince you that their lies are the truth.

That’s why it’s important to be vigilant.

Here are 18 phrases master manipulators use to charm and trick you…

1) “I’ve never felt this way before”

Hearing that someone has never felt this way before can be music to your ears.

Makes you feel special instantly.

But for the master manipulator, it could be part of the plan.

Holding you in higher esteem is one way they make their way into your life.

But once they secure their spot, they can quickly change their style!

2) “I know it hasn’t been long, but I’ve completely fallen in love with you.”

Stormy romances can sweep us off our feet. But we must be careful when it comes to feelings that develop too quickly.

The truth is that although lust and even obsession can happen, love does not happen overnight.

So, when someone spoils you with sweet things too soon, there’s a word for it:

Love bombing.

It is important that we try to keep our feet on the ground and remember that sincere feelings take time to develop.

3) “We are perfect for each other”

If someone says this to you then it paves the way for a harmonious relationship.

You might also be thinking the same thing, and this is just an expression of your mutual compatibility.

But maybe you’re not so sure.

If you have doubts and someone pulls out this phrase, it looks like they are trying to convince you.

4) “You know, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

Loyalty is something we are all looking for.

But the truth is that it also:

Acquired over time as feelings grow
It has limits
In fact, healthy boundaries dictate that we never do “anything” to someone.

If someone used a phrase like that, it would be like they are trying to brainwash you.

It creates an “us against the world” atmosphere. They may be trying to woo you in order to gain your unwavering loyalty.

But be aware of exactly what they might expect in return.

5) “It was meant to be”

Pointing out that your relationship is destiny or written in the stars can seem incredibly romantic.

Don’t we all want to believe in fate that will get us to the right person at the right time?

But there is a danger in believing that your love is what is meant. It can blind you to red flags and warning signs.

You may be so focused on the idea that your love will win, that you endure all kinds of bad behavior along the way.

6) “The course of true love never runs smoothly.”

I’ve heard this used over and over again to justify a relationship that no one should have to endure.

It’s not a testament to your love that you remain, even when things are terrible. It is an indication that you have some serious problems.

Especially if this phrase comes early, it may be used to convince you to stay when you should be running for the hills.

7) “I swear I will never do that again.”

People make mistakes. We know that no one is perfect.

But it’s always worth pausing to think when someone promises you it will never happen again.

First of all, how many times have they said that?

Because if it happens more than once, it would be smart to doubt them.

Pinning your hopes on a better future is a classic tactic used by professional manipulators when they are trying to fix things.

8) “I can change, just give me another chance.”

Unfortunately, when we really love someone, we want to believe them when they tell us so.

I believe people can change, but even then, it doesn’t happen overnight.

And there are always circumstances where people simply don’t deserve another chance, regardless of whether they intend to change their ways or not.

For example, I had a friend whose abusive husband was always very apologetic and remorseful after his violence.

Fortunately, she eventually escaped his narcissistic hold on her.

He was begging her for “one more chance” and trying to make her feel guilty.

And I held out hope that he wanted to change and be a better man for a very long time because of it.

9) “You know I didn’t mean it”

This is another phrase that master manipulators will throw at you to try to evade responsibility.

The hope is that they can convince you that the way they acted was not true to them.