How To Spot A D-Bag From His Online Dating Profile

I used to write a column for an alternative news magazine where I would set a couple up on a blind date, interview them separately afterward, and then write a report. This was before sharing your deepest thoughts with strangers became the norm, and before online sites made blind dates the best way to meet people.

It all started as a joke (blind dates were for losers!), but as I got to know the readers, I wanted things to work out for them. I was going through the applications every week, trying to find a couple that might make the cut. Between studying the applications and conducting subsequent interviews, I learned how to translate what people really meant when they said they enjoyed “hiking.” Read on for red flags, a potential online date is a d-bag. Online daters are fat liars

“I’m cheap.” If he (or she) enjoys “hiking,” “cooking,” and “camping,” don’t be fooled. You’re dealing with someone whose idea of a good time involves spending as little money as possible. I don’t care how low your salary is, if what you claim to “enjoy” is no different from what you can afford, you at least have a little imagination (not a good sign either). If you are facing financial challenges, you may want to rethink your presence on this site. It’s a dating site. Actual dates should be shared. At least he was called. Click.

“I’m a player.” Each photo shows a group at a bar, or you can see a friend’s hair or fingers cropped out of the photo. Or the person drinks. Or wear shades. Or all of the above. If your potential client can’t be bothered to post a decent photo, you shouldn’t count on that person to pay attention to you. What did “Love Story” teach us about love?

“I’m a narcissist.” Again with the pictures. The narcissist spreads microscopic views. absolute value. the trunk. Artier is worse. arch of foot. Lobe. She’s like, “Look at me! I’m doing it. Close.”

“I lie about my age.” Their screen name ends with a year which logically makes them up to ten years older. They reference music and TV shows you barely know through Nick At Night. Or, and this is my personal favorite, they say they look much younger than their age. Look closely at the picture, I bet you’ll be able to tell.

“I’m emotionally unavailable.” I was never married. No children. He doesn’t seem to like pets. He changes jobs all the time. forget that. This person cannot relate to a plant let alone a living, breathing human being. Save yourself now. What brand are you wearing? The truth about first impressions