Emotional Stalking Is A Terrifying Reality When Loving A Narcissist

Emotional pursuers have a basic need to rid themselves of the prevailing emptiness. They often achieve this by carefully selecting a victim who is then charmed, seduced and trapped. The victim’s energy nourishes the stalker and provides him with what he lacks.

Incapable of love, these narcissistic pursuers are devastated by the angry envy they feel toward those who truly enjoy life. We are not talking about material assets, but about moral qualities: vitality, empathy, sensitivity, creativity, goals, and life projects. Moreover, they are not easy to recognize. They can easily change their attitude from being charming and caring, to being mercilessly critical and dismissive, fueling the victim’s confusion and self-doubt.

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Emotional stalkers are able to charm their friends and family with their wit, making their victims feel even more baffled by their seemingly innocent but truly aggressive and insulting jokes.

Emotional stalkers often look for these five traits in their victims, some of which may surprise you (but they are never the victim’s fault):​

  1. Above average intelligence.

Emotional stalkers look for victims who are very smart, really intelligent, highly skilled and well-trained. They look for enthusiasm and passion in their career.

  1. Good work ethic and personal accountability.

Stalkers want their victims to be highly responsible and hardworking, always complying with excellent fulfillment of the responsibilities assigned to them.

  1. Extreme perfectionism.

Victims tend to believe that nothing they do is ever good enough, and they always seek recognition, while at the same time questioning their true worth.

  1. Dependable and always ready to help others.

Victims tend to keep a low profile and do not want to be obscured by friends or co-workers.

  1. The underlying cause of low self-esteem and low self-confidence.

Victims of emotional stalkers crave recognition from their partner, despite constantly doubting their worth. This makes them vulnerable.

Pathological narcissism is a personality disorder that causes enormous suffering and damage to those closely associated with the disordered individual. Again, if you become a victim of a romantic stalker, it is never your fault and you do not have to blame them.