From Pain To Love: A Survivor’s Guide To Dating After Abuse

While returning to the world of dating after abuse, love can leave scars. Find out how to avoid narcissistic relationships in your next chapter.

One of the scariest things for me, after leaving an abusive relationship, is to date again. I knew my record in love was bad. After all, my ex almost killed me!

I ignored all warning signs when I met him. I saw only what I wanted to see and denied the rest. Look how that turns out!

Therefore, I didn’t have much faith in my own instincts or judgment. Dating after abuse, for me, has been daunting. But I succeeded in love after that. I got married again. I’m still with this amazing guy now.

It brings out the best in me and I am in it. And I am sure that we will grow old together. How did I not fall into the same trap?

How did I not go first to the next abusive relationship? Like many people who have experienced abuse.

Two things. First, I knew I had to dig deeper into why I had such low self-esteem.

To understand why all of my emotional needs weren’t met as a child. And to learn how to fill this void of vulnerability.

To nurture my inner child. Once I build up my self-esteem, I will attract a man who will treat me as worthy.

The second order was an advertisement for me. I’d like to share this because I know there are many others this might help.

Related: How I Tried To Fix The Narcissist And It Almost Killed Me

Things you need to know when dating after abuse

I work with many victims and survivors of domestic violence online. Many date after abuse and they are as terrified as before.

Or in the early stages of a new relationship. They are not sure if they can trust their judgment and are afraid of another abusive relationship.

I know the feeling.

One woman started dating after abuse and posted some text messages from a guy she recently met online.

In them, he calls her “his child” and “his princess”. She was afraid, as she hardly knew it, that this might be a red flag.

Yes! without question. This is a warning sign with bells on it. Why? Because she hasn’t met the guy yet!

Bombing love

Love bombing is a typical narcissistic trait. They smother you with interest at first. Tell you that you are the only one for them.

Dating after abuse

They promise you a wonderful life of marriage, children and old age together. All within weeks of meeting.

When we lack self-esteem and feel vulnerable, it is music to our ears. This fills that hole we feel inside. Narcissists detect our fears and are experts at soothing them with words they know we want to hear.

My weakness was feeling like I wasn’t good enough. Unloved.

He told me that I love his life. Better than anyone who came before. the one who needs it. Suck me straight.

Once we plunge deep enough, another aspect emerges. Now they have to get us down to a peg or two. They tell us: you are ugly, stupid. No one wants you to be spoiled brats or sluts or whores. Or we have things that they imagined in their heads.

Related: 8 Reasons Women Stay In Abusive Relationships

They show you who they are

My ex revealed his true self early on through his actions. Show me the warning signs.

While he told me he loved me one minute, he would explode in anger and disappear for days the next.

He was suggesting that I dress differently, or that he didn’t like my friends. You get jealous if you look at someone else. But I made excuses for his behavior.

This is because I expected him to be what I hoped for and wanted him to be. rather than seeing it for what it is. The man he was revealing to me, but to whom I chose to be blind.

I was only seeing things that confirmed my dream of a wonderful life with him. Those who were yelling at me denied that this relationship was not good for me.

I have so many swear phrases that I live by. (I’ve created a whole new category for them here).

dating after a narcissistic relationship

If you’re dating after abuse, this is the guy you need: Watch not what they say, but what they do.

Love is a verb, not a noun. You show someone you love them by treating them like they are loved. By treating them with respect.

And another slogan:

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Back to those text messages. If we see what this person says here. Listen to his language.

My “baby girl” can be lovely in a loving relationship. My husband often tells me the same thing. But, in someone you’ve never met? clatter. alarm.

Seems more possessive to me. The word “my” alludes to a desire for ownership.

“My princess—again, in the right context, those words can be lovely. But before he met? Or even in the first few weeks of being with someone?”

Related: Why Strong Women Stay In Bad Relationships

Narcissists put you on a pedestal

It reminds me of how narcissists put you on a Madonna-like pedestal. You are the one who is different from the others (read: whores) that came before. you are special.

In the early days, I was. I believed it too. But then I had to live up to it. When he later cut me off and accused me of not being the perfect Madonna, I did everything I could to prove that I was worthy of his love.

To be that person again. If I can show him that I’m still that special person, maybe that’s all he needs to change and I can fix things.

Don’t do as I do.

If you’re dating after abuse, don’t fantasize about someone else you wish was in the future. Or the dream you imagine in your head. See them for who they are now.

The same applies when you meet someone who is as good to you as I did to the man you’re married to now.

At first, I was very afraid of my record. I started seeing signs that weren’t there.

I was projecting my fears of him being another abusive man on him. Not just sitting back and watching the man he was showing himself to be.

I pushed him away. You caused drama. I was trying to end it before he left me, which I was convinced would happen. I’m lucky he’s stuck!

Once I started to give up. At one point I stopped projecting on him and watched not what he said but what he did. Then I saw that he was a good man.

Show me that he cares about me. He didn’t suffocate me with possession. He treated me nicely. He did not swing from adoration to abuse.

His actions compliment his words. They both showed me respect and treated me as worthy, worthless.

It is possible to break the cycle and find a healthy, long-term relationship after an abusive relationship. Just don’t mind.

When dating after abuse, sit still and read the signs. Watch what they do.

Listen to the language they use. And if everything is very good, very filling, very fast. If their actions do not match their words. Then for me, that’s a huge red flag.

I’m going far away from that. Trust me, it’s better to walk away sooner than later. The further down the road with a narcissist, the harder it is to walk away from them.