8 Mental Abuse Tactics To Watch Out For

Do you feel manipulated by doing or saying something, out of character, and enduring insults and rejection on a regular basis? Or do you feel exploited by your relatives? You may be a victim of emotional abuse. Watch out for these 8 types of mental abuse or narcissistic tactics.

The abuse is not just physical. There are many other forms of abuse, such as sexual, financial, emotional, mental, and verbal abuse. While some other forms of abuse are obvious, mental abuse can be difficult to detect.

It can start as simply as a casual comment about anything: a furniture design, an opinion about a movie, or a car that needs service.

The abuser took the remark out of context to mean that it was disapproved of by the victim in some way. The victim tries to explain that it wasn’t his/her intention, but they launch into a tirade that ends with the victim feeling helpless as if he’s losing his mind.

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Wearing can offend in any way. Below are some common abuse tactics that are widely used. All you have to do is memorize these maneuvers, remain silent when you use them, and end the conversation as quickly as possible. This will prevent you from becoming a victim of psychological abuse.

8 types of mental abuse to watch out for

  1. Anger
    This is intense, angry anger that comes out of nowhere, usually because of nothing. It surprises and shocks the victim into compliance or silence.
  2. Gas lighting

Mental abusers lie about the past, causing their victims to doubt her memory, cognition, and sanity. They claim and provide evidence of her erratic behavior in the past which increases suspicion. She might even start to wonder what she said a minute ago.

  1. Stare
    This is an intense stare without feeling behind it. It is designed to scare and subdue the victim and is often mixed with the silent treatment.

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  1. The silent treatment

Some abusers are punished by being ignored. They then let their victim “get away with it” by demanding an apology even though he/she is not responsible for it. This is to modify his behavior. They also have a history of permanently cutting others out of their lives over small things.

  1. Projection
    They dump their cases on their victim as if she was the one doing it. For example, narcissistic psychopaths may accuse their wives of lying when they lie. Or they made her feel guilty when he was guilty. This creates confusion.
  2. Twisting
    When confronted, abusers will blame their victims for their actions. They will not accept responsibility for their behavior and insist that their victim apologizes to them.

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  1. Manipulation

The preferred manipulation tactic is for the narcissist to make his victim fear the worst, such as abandonment, infidelity, or rejection. They then rebut her and ask her for something, to which she usually answers “No”. This is a control tactic to get him to agree to do something he’s not doing.

  1. Victim card
    When all else fails, the narcissist will resort to playing the victim card. This is designed to gain empathy and more control over behavior.

These were eight types of mental abuse tactics that narcissists or toxic people use to control someone, especially in relationships. Find them!

How do you stop blaming yourself for emotional abuse?

It is common for victims of emotional abuse to blame themselves from time to time. Forgive yourself, because it is not your fault, but the one who offended you.

How do I focus on myself after narcissistic abuse?

The first thing you need to do after narcissistic abuse is to forgive yourself. Then try to think and connect with your true feelings and focus on what is best for you.

How do you take care of yourself after abuse?

One way to protect yourself from psycho-emotional abuse is to create “emotional distance” from the person who is psychologically or emotionally abusing you.

How do you defend yourself from psychological abuse?

Unlike physical abuse, there are no physical signs of violence or trauma, so mental and emotional abuse can be difficult to interpret. One thing you can do is distance yourself to be safe and protected.