How to go Low Contact with a Narcissist – A Strategy for when No Contact is Impossible

If you are dealing with a narcissist, or have been in any type of relationship with a narcissist, you know that although no contact is often the ideal solution, this is unfortunately not always possible or practical. A good example of this is when you have to be a parent with them, or see them at work every day.

Whether it’s a family member, friend, ex-partner, or co-worker, a narcissist’s constant need for attention and validation can leave you feeling exhausted and helpless.

This is where reduced contact comes in as a viable strategy for limiting your interactions with the narcissist while maintaining some level of contact.

In this post, we will explore the concept of no contact with a narcissist, which can be used when no contact is possible.

We will provide tips and strategies to help you overcome this difficult situation and prioritize your mental health and well-being above all else.

Step 1 – Set firm boundaries

Setting clear, firm boundaries is crucial when communicating low with a narcissist.

Narcissists tend to push boundaries, so it’s important to be very specific about unacceptable behaviors.

For example, if a narcissist tends to make insulting comments or belittle you, make it clear that this type of behavior will no longer be tolerated.

When communicating these boundaries, it is important to be assertive and confident in communicating your request.

Avoid using overly aggressive or confrontational language, but also don’t back down if the narcissist tries to challenge or ignore your boundaries.

It may be helpful to write down your boundaries beforehand and practice how to communicate them with the narcissist. This can help you feel more prepared and confident in your technique.

Remember, setting boundaries is not about controlling the other person’s behavior, but about protecting yourself from their negative influence.

By clearly communicating unacceptable behaviors, you are taking an important step toward prioritizing your well-being and emotional health.

If the narcissist continues to violate your boundaries despite clear communication on your part, it may be necessary to consider taking more drastic measures.

This can include reducing contact further or seeking outside help from a therapist or counselor who specializes in dealing with personality disorders such as narcissism.

Step 2 – Limit contact

Limiting contact with a narcissist is an important step in protecting your mental health and well-being.

This can be achieved by setting clear boundaries about when and how you communicate with the narcissist.

One effective way to limit contact is to reduce the frequency of interactions.

This may mean communicating only when absolutely necessary, rather than engaging in constant back-and-forth exchanges.

It is important to be firm but polite when declining invitations or requests from a narcissist, and to avoid getting drawn into lengthy discussions or debates.

Another effective strategy for reducing contact is to switch to less personal means of communication, such as email or text messaging.

This can help create a sense of distance between you and the narcissist, while also allowing you to carefully consider your responses before sending them.

If you need to communicate with the narcissist in person, it is important to set clear expectations about what will be discussed and how long the interaction will last.

Try to keep conversations brief and focused on specific topics, rather than getting drawn into emotional discussions or arguments.

Ultimately, the goal of limiting contact with a narcissist is to reduce their ability to control you and manipulate your emotions.

By creating healthy boundaries around when and how you communicate with them, you can take an important step toward protecting yourself from their negative influence.

Step 3 – Keep conversations short and to the point

When communicating with a narcissist, it is important to keep your conversations brief and focused.

This can help prevent them from manipulating or controlling the conversation, and also reduces the possibility of arguments or emotional manipulation.

An effective strategy is to stick to specific topics and avoid engaging in small talk or irrelevant discussions.

This can help keep the conversation on track and prevent the narcissist from trying to derail it.

It is also important to be clear and concise in your communications.

Avoid using overly emotional language or getting drawn into lengthy explanations or justifications for your actions.

Instead, focus on stating your needs or concerns clearly and directly.

If the narcissist tries to derail the conversation or engages in emotional manipulation, it is important to remain calm and assertive.

Refrain from getting defensive or engaging in personal attacks, as this will only escalate the situation.

Remember that when communicating with a narcissist, less is often more.

By keeping your interactions brief and focused, you can protect yourself from their negative influence while maintaining essential communication.

Step 4 – Do not participate in arguments or discussions

Narcissists are known to thrive on conflict and attention. This means that it is important to avoid getting into arguments or discussions with them.

This can be difficult, because narcissists often have a way of drawing others into their drama and manipulating conversations to suit their needs.

It is also important to recognize when the narcissist is trying to manipulate the conversation or control the situation.

This may include using tactics such as gaslighting, where they try to make you question your sanity or perception of reality.

If you find yourself in a situation where the narcissist is trying to start an argument or engage in emotional manipulation, it is important not to fall for the bait. Instead, calmly set your boundaries and withdraw from the conversation.

Step 5 – Keep your emotions under control

Narcissists can be very skilled at manipulating others by playing on their emotions.

They may use tactics such as guilt, gaslighting, or projection to make you feel responsible for their feelings or behavior. This can be very frustrating and emotionally draining.

To avoid falling into this trap, it is important to keep your emotions in check when dealing with a narcissist.

This means staying calm and focused on your goals, rather than getting caught up in drama or emotional manipulation.

One effective strategy is to practice mindfulness and self-awareness.

This might include taking a deep breath before responding to the narcissist, or checking in with yourself regularly to see how you’re feeling.

Step Six – Focus on yourself

One of the best ways to protect yourself from a narcissist is to focus on your health and personal growth. By taking care of yourself, you can build resilience and reduce your exposure to negative influences.

Make an effort to pursue hobbies and interests that bring you joy. This might include taking up a new hobby or getting back into an old one that you’ve neglected.

Engaging in activities that you are passionate about can help boost your self-esteem. It will also provide a sense of accomplishment outside of your interactions with the narcissist.

Another important step is to surround yourself with supportive friends and family members who understand what you’re going through.

Having a strong support system can provide much-needed validation and encouragement when dealing with a difficult person like a narcissist.

Prioritizing self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or therapy can also be helpful to protect yourself from the negative effects of interacting with a narcissist.

These activities can help reduce stress, improve mental health, and provide coping strategies for dealing with difficult emotions.

Step 7 – Consider professional help

If you’re having trouble coping, it may be helpful to seek professional help from a therapist or counselor.

A trained therapist can provide valuable support and guidance for dealing with difficult relationships and managing the emotional toll of interacting with a narcissist. They can also help you develop coping strategies to deal with their behavior and set healthy boundaries.

In therapy, you may work to identify patterns in your interactions with the narcissist, as well as explore your feelings and reactions to his or her behavior.

This can help you better understand how to respond in an assertive but not aggressive way, and how to maintain your sense of self-worth in the face of their negative influence.

Therapy can also provide a safe space to process difficult emotions such as anger, frustration, or sadness that may arise from dealing with a narcissist.

A therapist can teach you techniques for managing these feelings so that they do not overwhelm you or negatively affect other areas of your life.

Always keep in mind that seeking professional help is not a sign of weakness.

It is a proactive step towards taking control of your well-being and protecting yourself from the negative effects of interacting with a narcissist.

With the right support and strategies, you can learn how to deal with difficult relationships while maintaining your sense of self-worth and emotional resilience.

Last thoughts relate to decreased contact with a narcissist

In conclusion, staying away from a narcissist may be a difficult but necessary step toward protecting your health and emotional well-being.

By setting clear boundaries, focusing on personal growth and self-care, and seeking professional support when needed, you can learn to overcome the challenges of dealing with a narcissistic individual while maintaining your sense of self-worth and emotional resilience.

Remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness in all your relationships, and that it is never too late to prioritize your well-being and take control of your life.