Love Bombing – The Narcissist’s Trick to Get You Hooked

Love bombing is a term used to describe the overload of positive reinforcement provided by someone during the early stages of a relationship.

It usually involves showing excessive admiration and attention, often in an attempt to control or manipulate someone into a particular type of relationship.

Love bombing may involve the use of compliments, lavish gifts, constant communication, and flattery.

While it may seem thoughtful or generous at first, it can become stressful and even unhealthy if left unchecked.

Narcissists use love bombing as a manipulative tactic to lure their victims into a relationship and keep them addicted to it. It involves showering the target with affection and attention in order to control them, often presenting themselves as the perfect partner.

Example of love bombing behaviour

Narcissists use love bombing as a means of control and power over their victims.

This manipulative tactic is used to create a strong bond between two people and make it difficult for one to break up with the other.

By showering someone with compliments, gifts, and flattery, narcissists can make it difficult for their victims to say no or leave the relationship.

Below are typical love bombing behaviors –

Constant communication: This involves sending a constant stream of texts, emails, or phone calls throughout the day. It can also mean devoting long hours to talking on the phone or video chatting.

Compliments: Receiving a lot of compliments may seem nice at first, but it is possible to have too much of a good thing.

Lavish Gifts: Love bombers shower their victim with lavish gifts such as expensive jewelry, luxurious vacations, and expensive meals in order to impress their target and create a sense of commitment.

Flattery: This occurs when someone uses exaggerated praise to try to make the other person feel special, as a ploy to get closer to them and quickly build trust.

Jealousy: Love bombers tend to display jealous behavior in order to prove the depth of their love, and flatter the target by insisting that they are the center of their world.

How to protect yourself from manipulation and love bombing

There are many signs that can indicate whether you are being love bombed by a narcissist.

The most obvious sign is excessive praise and attention.

If your partner is always telling you how amazing, smart, and beautiful you are, he or she is probably using love bombing tactics.

Another sign is that your partner is always trying to make all your decisions for you.

This could be a sign that they are trying to control and control you.

If your partner seems too good to be true, there may be something fishy going on.

Be suspicious if they shower you with gifts, compliments, and extra attention.

Set Boundaries: It is important to set boundaries with the narcissist and make sure he or she is aware of what you are not comfortable with in the relationship.

Assert yourself as an individual: If a narcissist is trying to control you through love bombing, it is important that you stand firm and assert your independence. Show them that they cannot control or manipulate you.

Recognize the warning signs: Pay attention to the way they communicate and treat you, so you can recognize any signs of manipulation or control early on.

Related : 5 Steps for Breaking Free From A Narcissistic Relationship Pattern

Do not engage in power struggles: Avoid any type of power struggle with a narcissist, as this will only increase his desire to control you.

Get out if necessary: If the narcissist won’t stop behaving in a manipulative way, don’t hesitate to get out of the relationship as quickly and safely as possible.

How to deal with love bombing

If you find yourself the target of a narcissist’s love bombing tactics, it is important that you distance yourself from his or her influence as quickly as possible.

Acknowledge that their behavior is manipulative, and don’t be too quick to trust them.

It is also important to set boundaries with them, so that they are aware of what you will and will not tolerate in the relationship.

Finally, try to stay away from the narcissist while remaining polite – this can be difficult but is essential to protecting your emotional health.

Here are some tips for dealing with this specific form of narcissistic abuse:

Don’t fall into the trap of offensive magic. Remember, the narcissist is maliciously trying to manipulate your trust.

Get some distance from the abuser. This will help you see the situation more objectively.

Talk to someone about what you’re going through. It may be helpful to talk to someone who understands narcissistic abuse.

Document everything that happens in the relationship. This can help you have evidence if you decide to leave the relationship.

Related : The Relationship between Enablers and Narcissists

Seek professional help. If you are feeling overwhelmed by the situation, talking to a therapist can be very helpful.


Narcissists use love bombing as a manipulative tactic to trap their victims. It is important to recognize this behavior and take steps to protect yourself from it.

Set firm boundaries with the narcissist, be aware of their motivations, and remember that it’s okay to walk away if necessary.

Nothing should be more important than your emotional health, so protect yourself from love bombing by paying attention to potential danger signals.