7 Obvious Signs You Are In A Relationship With A Hustler

Scrambling in a relationship is one of the worst things that can happen to you.

It’s not nice to love and trust a man when he doesn’t reciprocate.

I know it’s not easy to recognize a scammer, especially when you’re madly in love with him, but it’s better to check the red flags before it’s too late.

That’s why I decided to name some of the most obvious signs that you are dating a scammer.

I hope it will help you recognize it in time and save yourself tears.

  1. He brags about money when he has it
    This is typical behavior of a scammer. When he has money, he will brag to his friends to feel better.

He will tell you that you are a cheap person because you want to keep some money for the bad days.

He will spend money on things he doesn’t need just to show others how successful he is.
He spends money on things he doesn’t actually need and doesn’t ask you if you need anything.

When he has money, he feels like the most powerful person alive.

  1. But he asks you for some money when he is broke
    Nothing good will last long. He will soon spend all his money and will come back to you asking you to lend him some.

The reason he went to you is because all his so-called friends loved him while he had money, but now he’s broke, and they’ve abandoned him.

He knows that you will always forgive him and that you will never let him sleep on the street.

In those moments, he will make a lot of promises about the fairy tale he will give you because you deserve it.

But he will forget all that the moment he gets more money.

He uses his charm and your weakness to get what he wants. He doesn’t like anyone he can’t use and that’s what you have to keep in mind.

  1. He acts nice when he needs something
    The moment he loses all his money, he will come back to you and ask for forgiveness for not being nice to you.

When he has money, he never comes home.

He spends all night at clubs, having fun and having fun without you, while you wait for him at home, not knowing where he is.

When he’s having a good time in life, he’s not thinking about you.

But when he loses all his money, it goes back to the only person who will accept it back.

This says a lot about him and his alleged love for you.

If I were you, I would run as fast as I can because that kind of man will never make you happy.

  1. Most of the time he gets all his money illegally

Scammers are known to work hard to get what they want, but the process does not last long.

If they can get a lot of money in a short time, they will do it, regardless of whether it is legal or not.

Their motto is that you only live once and you should enjoy it while it lasts.

It would be great if they worked hard consistently on something they are passionate about but that never happens.

They tend to earn money very quickly so that they can spend it and enjoy it.

Even if you tell them that the way they make money is not good, they will never listen to you.

But when they get more money (from gambling or something illegal, for example) they’ll rub it in your face.

Some of them even go so far as to humiliate their partner because he was not as successful as them.

If this happens, you should leave immediately because it is a huge red flag. And one more thing: no one deserves to be treated this way.

  1. He breaks his promises
    When you’re in a relationship with a scammer, you never know which direction your relationship will go.

Just be prepared to be let down a lot because sometimes he will forget all about you and go where he thinks is best.

When he gets some money, he will forget that he promised you something and will enjoy things without you.

When he gets home, he will try to explain that he had a serious business meeting and that he was able to make a significant amount of money.

He will tell you to be more patient because he is doing everything for you both.

When you say you can’t live this way anymore, he will accuse you of being dramatic and acting like a crybaby.

I hope you can read between the lines and know what to do. Goodbye Mr. Hassler, we won’t miss you!

  1. He says everything you want to hear just to get what he wants
    When you are in a relationship with a scammer, be prepared for lies and empty promises.

He will tell you everything you want to hear just to get what he wants.

Maybe he wants your car, your money, or some of your belongings. He may pretend to love you just so he can take advantage of you.

That’s why you should look for all the red flags that might reveal his true intentions.

You have to look at his actions because it is easy to say something but difficult to achieve it.

Men like this rarely change, and the sooner you realize that, the easier it will be for you.

  1. He will tell you that he loves you just so he can continue to take advantage of you
    Men like this will do anything for the sweet taste of money and success.

They like to brag about their easy-earned money and tell people that they worked hard to get what they have.

They will even go so far as to lie to everyone that they own the apartment they live in, even if it is yours.

They will lie about everything just to look good in front of others. But one thing they will never do is make a real effort to achieve their dreams.

They will never make you a priority because they love themselves too much.

That’s why life with them will not be what you dreamed of.

Instead, it will be a living hell and the best thing you can do is leave and save yourself the tears and a miserable life.