5 Fast Ways to Get Rid of Dog Hiccups

During puppyhood, my dogs used to hiccup all the time and while they are so adorable one might wonder if they should be worried.

Dogs can hiccup just as much as we do, but could it be a sign of a serious problem?

Let’s discuss why dogs have hiccups in the first place when you should contact your vet and what treatments you can use at home to get rid of persistent hiccups.

Why does my dog hiccup?
Dogs, like humans, have thin muscle that separates the abdomen from the lungs.

It’s called the diaphragm and it’s essential to our ability to breathe.

When we breathe in, it contracts and pulls air into the lungs.

When we breathe, the diaphragm relaxes and air flows out of the lungs.

Hiccups occur when these muscles spasm involuntarily and the vocal cords close briefly due to a change in pressure, causing a “hic” sound.

Hiccups can occur for various reasons and are rarely serious:

Swallowing a lot of air when drinking or eating
emotional stress
Foreign bodies, irritants
Panting, heavy breathing
Dogs and humans aren’t the only ones who experience occasional hiccups.

All mammals, and especially all animals that share our breathing anatomy, can hiccup.

Puppies are especially prone to hiccups because they are easily excitable and tend to eat very quickly.

Excessive gaming sessions can also trigger these spasms.

It is a phenomenon observed in many types of fetuses.

As the puppy or child gets older, the frequency of hiccups slowly decreases.

To this day, researchers haven’t figured out the purpose of hiccups but fortunately, you don’t have to worry about it.

Hiccups are rarely a sign of an underlying medical condition.

Sometimes there is no apparent reason for hiccups at all aside from looking great.

What do hiccups look like in dogs?

You probably know the hiccups from yourself.

Sudden contractions hit the lung area and uncontrollable “hic” sounds come out of your throat. It sure looks the same in dogs.

Hiccups in dogs can be audible or without any sound.

The stomach area contracts greatly and the whole body may shake.

Sometimes people confuse hiccups with reverse sneezing, which is the act of quickly drawing air into the nose rather than sneezing (pushing air out of the nose).

It is a fairly common respiratory event in dogs and is caused by an irritant.

I’ve only seen this a few times in my dog Amalia when she had a cold and her airways were swollen.

She used to reverse sneeze in loops and could sound pretty violent.

It can be very loud and only last for 10 seconds at a time.

My heart stopped every time they happened in the middle of the night.

They usually go into a stiff position, stretching their neck, pulling their lips in, and forcefully drawing air into their nostrils.

A reverse sneeze is no more alarming than a normal sneeze, so don’t panic.

However, excessive bursts should be checked by a veterinarian to help your dog eliminate whatever is irritating the upper air passages.

Very rarely, seizures can be accompanied by hiccups, but the dog will display many other symptoms such as violent muscle spasms, drooling, shaking, or loss of consciousness.

Episodes can last several minutes at a time and will leave your dog exhausted and confused.

If your pup has the occasional hiccup, you don’t have to worry about it.

How long do dogs’ hiccups last?

My Rottweiler’s hiccups lasted about 30-60 seconds at a time which seems to be common, some shorter, others a bit longer.

As she got older, the hiccups happened less and less and she rarely has them now.

Hiccups that last more than an hour and occur repeatedly over several days should be checked by a veterinarian especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms.

It can be annoying but won’t hurt your dog in the process.

Most puppies experience it frequently until the age of 4-6 months.

How to get rid of dog hiccups fast

The good thing about hiccups is that they don’t hurt and they usually go away on their own (as long as your dog doesn’t vomit or anything).

But this answer is not very satisfactory because as owners, we want to do everything we can to help our dogs feel better.

You may have heard of some of the common ways people throw up at you when you get hiccups.

Just hold your breath, drink some water or bite a lemon.

These methods are not scientifically proven and obviously will not work for your dog.

However, excessive bursts should be checked by a veterinarian to help your dog eliminate whatever is irritating the upper air passages.

Very rarely, seizures can be accompanied by hiccups, but the dog will display many other symptoms such as violent muscle spasms, drooling, shaking, or loss of consciousness.

Episodes can last several minutes at a time and will leave your dog exhausted and confused.

If your pup has occasional hiccups, you don’t have to worry about it.

How long do hiccups last in dogs?

My Rottweiler’s hiccups lasted about 30-60 seconds at a time which seems to be common, some shorter, some a bit longer.

As she got older, the hiccups happened less and less and she rarely experiences them now.

Hiccups that last more than an hour and occur repeatedly over several days should be checked by a veterinarian especially if they are accompanied by other symptoms.

It may be annoying but it won’t hurt your dog in the process.

Most puppies experience it frequently until the age of 4-6 months.

How to get rid of hiccups in dogs quickly

The good thing about hiccups is that they don’t hurt and they usually go away on their own (as long as your dog doesn’t vomit or anything).

But this answer is not very satisfactory because as owners, we want to do everything we can to help our dogs feel better.

You may have heard of some of the common ways people vomit on you when you hiccup.

Just hold your breath, drink some water or bite a lemon.

These methods are not scientifically proven and obviously will not work for your dog.

Are Hiccups a Sign of Worms in Puppies?

While hiccups and worms are not directly related, they can be a rare indication that your puppy has parasites.

Heartworms and roundworms are known to affect the lungs and respiratory tract, which can cause hiccups.

Roundworm larvae migrate to the lungs and settle there until they reach the adult stage.

If your puppy shows any symptoms such as coughing, vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, or weight loss, a visit to the vet is necessary to eliminate any parasites or other diseases.

Hiccups and vomiting in dogs

Belching, hiccups, and vomiting are all signs of food-tasting problems.

Dogs are good at eating things that are not edible or foods that they cannot digest.

You may have tried a new diet or food brand.

Most stomach problems are temporary and should resolve on their own.

After a healthy adult dog vomits, you can withhold food for 12-24 hours to give the stomach a chance to rest and heal.

Water should only be given in small amounts.

After the fast, you can slowly reintroduce food with a bland diet including boiled chicken, potatoes, and rice.

Once he has fully recovered, the diet can be gradually replaced with your dog’s usual food.

If his physical condition deteriorates, and additional symptoms such as stickiness, white saliva, persistent pacing, abdominal pain, or vomiting appear, take him to the vet immediately.