Know something that’s not politically correct but is still totally true?
Some women are just looking for money.
Damn it, please don’t report me to the Human Rights Commission and arrest me for being insensitive. I only care about the truth!
And this is the truth:
There are some hardcore gold diggers on the loose. And unless you know how to spot them, you could be the next victim.
Related : 10 ways to identify and break free from toxic relationships
If more than a few of these warning signs appear, be extremely careful.
The more you get involved with a woman who only loves you for what you have, the more you betray everything you are and ruin your future.
If you realize you’re with a woman who only wants your wallet, it’s up to you to practice self-respect and honor and walk away.
Here’s how to know if this is what’s happening.
1) She is obsessed with how much money she makes
One of the most unfortunate signs that she’s only after your money and doesn’t love you is that she’s obsessed with how much she gets.
Your salary, hourly rate, or other parts of how much money you make is the focus of her attention.
She wants to know what you’re making, talk about it, plan how to improve it, and focus on men’s earning potential as a sign of value.
If you earn less than another man, you can be sure that she will give not-so-subtle hints about it regularly.
“Honey, I know you’d love to be a personal trainer, but I watched a documentary a few days ago about software engineers. Do you have any idea what they do? Amazing.”
Thanks for that tip, right?
The problem with her being so interested in what she’s doing is that it’s not her thing.
Whatever arrangement you have to split or provide for costs does not mean that you are under any obligation to disclose private financial details.
If you choose to do it against your will or make it a condition of the relationship, then you are walking on thin ice.
2) Trying to find out if your family is rich
I once dated a girl who asked my boyfriend if my mom “looked rich” when I was talking to her on Skype.
This relationship did not last long, to say the least.
One annoying and unfortunate sign that she’s only after your money and doesn’t love you is that she’s trying to dig into your family’s finances.
Because if your family is rich, they see it as a piggy bank that you (which means they) can tap into.
This is the level where gold panning becomes truly annoying and shameful in a way that will make your hair stand on end.
If a woman is trying to find out what kind of house your parents live in, whether your brother is a wealthy lawyer, and whether your relatives “appear” wealthy, you are 100% in the danger zone.
Get out as quickly as possible before you hit a landmine and end up marrying this creature or having her bear your children and put a collar around your neck for life.
3) She is easily seduced by fame and status
There’s nothing wrong with a woman liking some shallow celebrity stuff and silly shows.
But it is important to pay attention to her attitude towards fame and status.
Do you idolize the rich and famous and talk about them often? Are its heroes all people who made it happen financially?
Sure, meeting someone famous is great, but do you suddenly turn into a different kind of person?
How do you act when talking about the rich and famous?
She may be very infatuated, but watch for warning signs like her getting into a real group mentality, speaking in a terrible voice, or acting like the rich and famous are gods among men.
They are not.
If she thinks so, it’s likely related to her belief that better-looking, richer people are more valuable than the rest (which is not true).
This sign in itself is certainly not enough to stop a relationship and is one of the less dangerous signs on this list.
However, it can be a specific sign of how you feel about status, wealth, and status in society, and this can have much wider implications.
4) You try to focus your life path on financial goals
What are your goals in life? You may have different goals or be in the process of achieving them.
One unfortunate sign that she’s only after your money and doesn’t love you is that she’s always focused on money.
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A gold prospector might say it’s just a “process” and trying to get your head out of the clouds.
fair enough.
But the way to know the difference between pragmatism and her trying to fatten you up as her cash cow is to observe her attitude towards what you like and what you don’t like.
If she is after your money, she will ignore your objections and real emotions, always bringing it back to the bottom line.
If she’s trying to help you and be practical, she’ll do her best to respect you and not push you into jobs and decisions that don’t relate to you at all.
5) She becomes noticeably angry and depressed if you do not give her money or limit her spending
Your relationship may include giving your girlfriend money or buying her gifts.
Or it may not. At least not regularly.
This is honestly your business and your own business.
However, if you give your girlfriend regular gifts and allow her to buy things now and then with your money, pay attention to what happens when you turn off the tap.
“Sorry, I can’t pay for this dress now, I won’t get my next paycheck until next month.”
If she only uses you for the money, she will flip like a light switch, become grouchy and bitchy.
If she loves you, she will truly understand you and will not change her behavior in any way.
While she may be understandably disappointed by a purchase, a trip, or something she was looking forward to, her actual attraction and love for you will not change in any verbal or nonverbal way.
She will be in love with you as she was before.
This is the distinct difference between being with someone and just happening to be along for the ride in their vicinity while squeezing the benefits and rewards out of them.
6) She has a history of dating wealthy, eligible bachelors and then ruthlessly dumping them
What is this lady’s romantic history?
To the extent you can detect it, watch for the pattern of dating eligible rich singles and then dumping them.
This is what a gold prospector does:
She finds a host to spread them, drains them of money and attention, and then leaves them as a penniless, heartbroken husk on the side of the road somewhere…
Or just in a tiny apartment in a bad part of town that they now have to live in because they open their wallets too often.
7) She takes free rein on you and always has an excuse for not having money
Is the woman you are dating exploited?
What exactly is a free rider?
It’s one thing to occasionally buy your loved one’s meals and pay a little more for them.
But a free load is when you are not carrying any of your weight. She expects you to pay for literally everything and goes into sulking mode when you don’t.
If your girlfriend is doing this, she either doesn’t love you, or she has a very twisted idea of what love is.
There’s no obligation for you to pay someone everything, especially if it was never specifically talked about between you and was already agreed upon but was somehow expected.
8) Expect a constant supply of expensive gifts
Buying gifts is a nice romantic gesture, especially when a lot of thought and care is put into choosing something special.
But when it becomes more like an expected form of tribute, gift-buying crosses the line into a form of subordination and gold-digging.
Do you expect expensive gifts regularly?
Does it create expectations for you to always “step up your game” and buy better and better things for it?
This sounds very much like a very immature and materialistic-oriented person to me!
Be careful!
9) You try to make your generosity a measure of your love for her
On a related note about unfortunate signs who are only after your money and don’t love you, they make your monetary investment in them a measure of your love for them.
A bad gift or a bad financial month and you are a bad friend who does not like it.
I expected more from you, I thought you cared for him, and so…
But when you dig beneath the surface, you’ll notice that your behavior and affection towards her never changed, only your finances.
This is a big giant red flashing alert light. The amount of money you spend on her and the gifts you give her does not determine how much you love her.
If you act this way, she is using you.
10) You make yourself feel guilty about money by comparing your relationship to other couples
Another unfortunate sign that she’s only after your money and doesn’t love you is that she compares you to other couples to get you to open your wallet.