Every woman wants a man who listens to her, cares about her emotional needs and well-being, and wants to do everything he can to help make her dreams come true. Admittedly, one woman had it all and still thought it wasn’t enough for her.
In a video shared on a man’s TikTok account called “Rich Wisdom,” he responded to a video in which a woman tells the story of how much she was loved and supported by her partner, only for the relationship to flounder in hopes that there was something much better out there for her.
After he supported her emotionally and raised her, the woman left her boyfriend.
The woman posted the original video in the hope that she was not the only one who felt she had made such a big mistake.
The woman shared that about two years before she took office, she was in a relationship with a man much older than her — he was 40 and she was 25. Despite the age difference, she said, “He was willing to invest in me.” Physically, financially, emotionally, religiously… in all aspects.
According to her, he intended to make her a better woman for him. It boosted her self-esteem, made her more confident than ever, and prioritized her well-being.
Unfortunately, he failed to realize that while he was building up her ego at the same time, it was the thing that eventually led her to believe that she was too good for him; That there are better men who would be a better fit for the “new” that her partner has built.
The woman went out into the world looking for the best and realized she shouldn’t end her relationship.
After ending the relationship with her supportive partner, the young woman, now approaching 30, fell into a situation with a man she described as a narcissist who was beyond that experience and recovery. She didn’t go into detail about what made him seem narcissistic, but without a doubt, it involved lying, cheating, deliberately undervaluing her self-worth, and being emotionally unavailable.
This experience was a sharp contrast to her previous involvement where she felt loved and supported. It taught her that, as she said, “Not all men have good intentions in their hearts. Not all men will invest in you, and not all men will lift you.”
I’ve warned other women who might be in the same predicament that when you get a guy who wants to see you as the best version of yourself, hold on to him because he’s a rare find.
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The ability to be altruistic in another human being requires a selflessness that many do not have.
Many people care more about their own needs and desires than the needs and desires of everyone around them.
With so many people in the world to choose from, many begin to believe that they are missing out or that the grass might be greener on the other side. They devalue their partner by finding faults in them while focusing on their other potential relationships.
But what looks good on the outside may be a mess on the inside. You have to take into account people’s past experiences and traumas they have experienced as well as whether they have overcome it or are still struggling to guess what type of partner they might be.
You can’t get to know someone until you’ve been around them for some time or even years. Then they change and develop for the better or become worse than they were when you met them.
An attitude of gratitude can change your perspective on your relationship.
If you’ve been with someone for a while, it’s easy to start ignoring the little things they do, like asking if you need help, inquiring about your moods and feelings, and including you in various aspects of their life. Unfortunately, familiarity breeds gratitude.
Once you get used to someone, you can inadvertently overlook their contributions to your life by exalting your flaws. Remembering to show your gratitude is important to maintain a deep connection and maintain a balanced perspective on your relationship.
It’s important to keep it real with yourself when looking for a mate. What is important to you? Is it superficial things like appearance or physique? Or do you estimate how much a man earns? Do you overlook the little things that make someone a truly good companion like love, trust, compassion, and empathy?
If you are thinking about leaving someone who genuinely cares for you and adds value to your life, remember that the grass is only greener when you water it.
Related: 7 signs it’s finally time to end a friendship, according to psychology