Your loner might try to convince you that crawling up to your toxic ex is the right thing to do but don’t listen. Never listen to the lies your loneliness tries to feed you.
Everyone feels lonely. Read those words again: Everyone feels lonely.
I know you sometimes feel like you’re the only one with a broken heart, or that you’re the only one who hasn’t found love. I know that sometimes you want to give up or go back to the familiar because you’re afraid of being alone.
But you shouldn’t let loneliness drive you to your toxic ex.
Although getting back in touch with an ex may seem comfortable and safe, it’s one of the most damaging things you can do.
Here’s the reason why you shouldn’t let your loneliness drive you to a toxic ex
- In essence, nothing has changed.
If you feel like you want to get back together with your toxic ex, ask yourself this question: What changed?
If you can’t identify how a relationship can be different, or how the two of you can create a healing, stronger, healthier bond, then you’re kidding yourself. There is no reason to go back to something that didn’t work out in the first place.
Related: Do You Love An Abuser? How Can You Stop Being With One
- You can’t fix a broken heart out of desperation.
You might think you can fix what’s broken by giving it another shot. Giving people and relationships another chance is a good thing.
But not if the connection was unhealthy, to begin with.
You can’t let loneliness drive you back to your toxic ex. Brokenness isn’t something that can be fixed because you’re afraid, or because you’re desperate, or because you hope things will change. Although it may be hard to accept, you are better off alone than running into someone who hurt you.
- You cannot let fear guide your decisions.
You may be afraid of being alone. Perhaps you fear that you won’t find someone who can heal the hole in your heart left by your toxic ex. Here’s something to remember: You’re not permanently broken and there’s no hole inside of you.
You are a whole person, even if you get hurt.
Don’t let fear lead you to the person who broke your heart. Although staying alone will undoubtedly be difficult, you must have faith that the right person will come to you when the time is right. You have to believe that you will not be alone forever.
Related: Are You Losing Yourself In Your Relationship? Stages of Codependency and What To Do
- There are much better things and people out there.
There are better people out there. There are relationships with people who will love you for who you are and not ask you to bend, change, or change. You’ll find someone who won’t mistreat or mistreat you, who won’t run at the first sign of trouble.
I know you may be lonely right now, but this isn’t a permanent place to be. You will rise from the pain, find someone who will treat you better, and move forward with a smile on your face.