Narcissists are masters at lying. If you confront them about their lies, they lie to get out of it. Why do narcissists lie about anything, including stupid things? The truth is that they feel entitled when they lie. Their lies support their self-image, self-importance, and ego.
They don’t bond or empathize. Lies help them form connections. As a mature adult, you might find lying disgraceful, but to a narcissist, lying means they are smart and can trick you, giving them the upper hand.
Unfortunately, narcissists feel that lying is okay because they have no empathy or respect for anyone, including their partners.
Top Reasons Why Narcissists Can’t Stop Lying About Stupid Things
There are several reasons why narcissists lie. They will lie about stupid and important things to get out of their initial lie. After a while, they start to believe their lies.
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Here are the top reasons why they won’t stop lying, even about stupid things.
They’re Superior
Narcissists believe that they are more important than anyone else, including their spouse or partner. In a way, they think you’re stupid and will believe what they tell you. This gives them an opportunity to get away with their lies. Their lies help them stay superior in their eyes.
For narcissists, they need to be the most important person in the room, at work, or in a relationship. Lying about anything, including stupid things, helps one believe that they are superior.
Impress People
Narcissists believe in self-importance, so they lie to impress people. They want to look good to others, whether in their personal relationships, at work, or when meeting new people. For narcissists, they need to appear as the most superior person in the room, which helps boost their ego.
No matter how stupid the lie is, they will use it to impress those around them, and give them a sense of self-importance. No, they don’t feel guilty about it. Narcissists believe there is nothing wrong with lying to get what they want and need.
Avoid Embarrassment
The last thing a narcissist wants is to feel embarrassed in front of anyone. They will lie about the stupidest thing to promote themselves in a good light and avoid embarrassment at all costs. It doesn’t matter what it is.
If you’ve been in a relationship with a narcissist and they’ve found themselves in an embarrassing situation, how many times have you heard them lie about it?
It’s probably every time. A narcissist can’t handle being embarrassed, even if it’s something small. They will lie and blame others, ensuring they appear superior and perfect.
It’s a way to boost their self-esteem
A narcissist must have good self-esteem. Narcissists are exceptionally fragile, and they cannot be made to feel inferior in any way. Lying is the easiest and most effective way to boost their self-esteem, no matter the situation.
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They believe they are superior to everyone around them, including their partners. As a result, they need high self-esteem, which makes them feel good about themselves and important. It is not uncommon for them to lie about stupid things, giving their self-esteem the boost they so desperately want.
With a lack of empathy, not caring about anyone but themselves, and a desire to be important, narcissists lie to hurt those around them. It is part of their personality. Unfortunately, even if you have been in a relationship with a narcissist for many years, in their eyes, you will never be as good as them.
Emotional abuse is normal in these relationships, as they strive to be superior to you. They do not believe that you are as good as them. Sometimes, they may even think you are stupid for believing their lies. Lying is a way for them to maintain control in many situations, which helps them hurt you and control you and your actions.
Unable to Accept the Truth
Narcissists live in a fantasy world, in a way. They live in a web of lies to maintain their importance, boost their ego and confidence. Even when they do something wrong, they lie to avoid facing the truth.
Narcissists are often insecure and uncertain individuals who crave attention and praise. If they accept the truth, no matter how stupid the situation, they will feel emotions.
While their emotions are not what we feel, they cannot bear it. Lying is the best way to protect themselves from accepting the truth.
To Maintain Control
A person with Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a controlling person; they want to be in control of their life, their actions, and the situations they go through. They will love stupid things to maintain that control. They can’t stand losing control over you or others. Lying is the easiest way to keep people they need close to them.
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Controlling you or their family members reinforces their belief that they are superior to everyone else. If they don’t lie about stupid things, losing control over you forces them to face the fact that they are also imperfect. They will do whatever it takes to avoid this.
Can You Tell If a Narcissist Is Lying to You?
If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, being able to identify when they are lying can be helpful. The good news is that there are some signs that they are not telling the truth.
You will often notice that when a narcissist lies about stupid things, their story is inconsistent. The problem is that the more they lie, the more they believe their own story, which over time becomes the same. They often use the truth, twisting it to serve their purpose.
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If a narcissist lies, they will try very hard to convince you that they are telling the truth. This is a sure sign that something is not right. If you tell someone something and they don’t believe you, do you feel anxious about it? For a narcissist, it is essential that you believe their lie in order to feel superior and in control of any situation.
Narcissists never believe that they are wrong, even when they are lying. They will get defensive if you don’t believe them or criticize them for lying. This is when they deny, distort, or dismiss your comments outright. You will likely hear them shouting at you, “It wasn’t me,” “I didn’t say that,” or “It wasn’t me.”
They are excellent at playing the blame game and will quickly turn the tables and blame you if they are caught lying. When they lie, they often try to appear as the victim, exaggerating the situation so that others will accept their lie.