Narcissists are defined as vain, arrogant, and self-obsessed individuals. They tend to be obsessed with their appearance, both physically and at work (i.e. how others perceive them), and this preoccupation is often ego-driven.
Does he look like anyone you know on social media? (I’m looking at you, Jen, who ran six miles with RunKeeper with the hashtags #happybirthdaytome, #love, and #blessed.)
Before you attack me for being a judgmental bitch, know that I’m guilty and I know that I’m also acting like a narcissist – because everyone on the internet does.
We live in a culture of “like,” “upvote,” and “upvote.” We all have the desire to be heard, seen, and loved, and although this desire is an innate human quality, it has never been more evident or important than it is today in our care for all. Winner, Virtual Big 5 Community/Hugs/Emojis.
This is not a bad thing in itself, but it leads to raising a generation of narcissists.
However, I must be clear: When I talk about narcissism, I am referring to the personality trait and not narcissistic personality disorder — a disorder defined in the DSM-IV as characterized by personality traits that cause the sufferer to “feel and act in a socially distressing way.” ways, [thereby] limiting their ability to function in relationships and other areas of their lives.”
Let me repeat: Narcissistic acting out is not the same as having narcissistic personality disorder, just as feeling depressed and suffering from depression, a mental illness, are two very different things.
But back to us “mainstream narcissists.” What’s wrong with a little self-pride, self-promotion, and virtual love? nothing. Each of us seeks to support and approval from others, both online and offline.
However, when it is taken too far, when the desire to be accepted, recognized, and admired fosters low self-esteem and begins to negatively impact our lives and careers, it walks a fine and dangerous line.
Although we feel more connected than ever with our legions of friends and followers, I believe we have never been more isolated, isolated, antisocial, and lonely.
If Freud were still alive, he would certainly have referred to our current predicament as a clear case of the “hedgehog dilemma” – like hedgehogs, in winter we need to get close to each other to deal with the cold, but we can’t because we would hurt each other or their spines.
Most of the above points are my opinion, but here are some facts:
1. Levels of narcissism have been rising for decades, with the largest increase in young people. While some of these increases may have existed before the advent of social media, they have worsened since their advent.
2. There has also been a sharp decline in levels of altruism and empathy, so while we may be more connected, we are also less concerned about others.
This isolation makes some question their self-esteem and forces them to seek sympathy, admiration, and virtual love. This isolation makes us behave in a narcissistic manner.
Furthermore, researchers Elliot Panek and Sarah Konrath of the University of Michigan found that our obsession with social media has become less about connecting with others and more concerned with vanity. In their study, Panek and Konrath found a direct relationship between social media and narcissism.