Why no matter how hard you try, can’t it work with the narcissist?
Five reasons it doesn’t work
- Nothing is real about the golden period
Seems like every day is summer right?
Cozy and cool. There are no rain clouds anywhere, just a cornflower-blue sky. not cloud. Everything is great. We do everything together. We match on every conceivable level. I like what you like. We laugh about the same things. We enjoy the same books and movies. I know what you’re about to say. We love to cook together, try new wines, and explore interesting places.
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Whether it is a forest or foam, a city or a village, we enjoy going to these places and doing it together. We are soulmates. I don’t want anyone but you. You finally met the person you’ve wanted your whole life. You still can’t believe how lucky you are to have found someone like me, someone who cares, holds you, loves you, and showers you with attention, praise, and affection.
What would you do without me?
You struggle to even remember what life was like before I looked, shiny and sexy. You never want it to end and allow this golden influence to seep deep inside you, touching every part of you. Every fiber of your being is covered with my touch of gold. None of it is real. You’ve spent all your time looking in the mirror wrapped up in an illusion.
I’ve never been to any of these things. I’ve just shown you what you want to see, said what you want to hear, and do what you want to experience. I am a fraud, charlatan, and fraud who trades in fake love and steals your true love. I am not what you think I am, never have been, and never will be. Therefore, you cannot work with narcissists.
- Nothing is ever good enough
As soon the shimmering empire of gold rots and rusts, those gleaming towers of glass and chrome shatter and crumble. What once seemed like it would stand for thousands of years has collapsed. You’re speeding left and right, attending and fussing, working yourself into a frenzied confusion as you try to piece it together. But in vain. You can’t work with narcissists.
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You cannot accept that this is happening and you are doing your best to stop the cascading stone and splintered logs but it is an impossible task. You can no more prevent this edifice from collapsing to the ground than you can hold back the tide. The embodiment of this crumbling empire and your painstaking efforts to rebuild it comes through in the way you try to please me. You spend more of yourself every day in your desire to save what you understand, wrongly, to be us.
You steadily undermine your integrity to please me, make me happy, and do whatever it takes to make things good again. Every time you think you’ve got there, the bar goes higher and higher. You keep giving and I keep taking. What worked last week is now an object of contempt. What made me tell you that I loved you a month ago upsets me instead. I no longer want to be with you or be influenced by you.
No matter how hard you work, cook, clean, tidy, and take care. No matter how much effort you put into maintaining your figure, wearing cute clothes, and attending to my day, you are never met with anything but scowls, scorn, and abuse. You don’t give up, not yet, but you fail to realize that this is a gap that can never be filled. She can’t work with narcissists!
- Nothing stops the games from being played
The tears in your eyes will not mitigate the cruelty. The soft, shiny tears that roll down your cheeks only appear as the blood of a flying shark. Green light to continue vicious slander and ugliness to elicit more passion from you.
Today is a day of silence. Your shoulder is cold and brutal as you try to understand what was wrong and what you did. Tomorrow smiles again though you are not the wiser what happened to change that as the sun goes down you will turn to a cold and empty bed while I disappear again. I sit in my seat seemingly staring into nothingness, but mentally scroll through the devil’s kit as I contemplate my next move. I order the pieces, you and my friends and my family and your friends and the neighbors and the guy in the sandwich shop.
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You are all pawns on my giant chessboard and I decide where they should go. You try to learn the rules, stay in your position, and avoid being overtaken, but these games are played with only one rule. There are no laws. I enjoy my games as every day I publish a new plot against you. These games will tear you apart and you can never hope to win them.
- Nothing beats fuel
It’s all about getting fuel from you and him and her. It’s a constant search for my lifeline that ensures I’m always on the lookout. Don’t rest until I find enough fuel and then plan my next move, this need comes above all else. Events get messed up, dates get delayed, birthdays get messed up and anniversaries are forgotten all to get my fuel up. Your needs are much lower than mine because fuel is everything.
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I have no responsibilities except for fuel, so children, jobs, money, health, and harmony are left by the wayside, neglected, and neglected to enable me to pursue the one thing that matters to me. I will do anything, say anything, and be anything to get that fuel. Fuel makes me hurt you, Fuel makes me seduce your best friend, Fuel makes me fire the nice guy in the office, Fuel makes me center stage in get-togethers. Fuel is everything.
- Nothing will change.
There are those of my kind who don’t know what they are and any such attempts to blame them on consciousness will quickly and instinct resist to pull your hand away from the flame. They don’t know what they are but they know you are the enemy, and you seek to force change when it is not needed, which is part of your attempt to control them and punish them when they do nothing wrong.
Change is not necessary and never will happen with them. Those of us who know what we’re doing see no reason to change. We are the conquerors, the pioneers, the leaders and the Obermensch. We are higher beings and we are always right. You are making changes to yourself and fitting into my new world order. I am stronger than you.
This all works for me so why should I change?
I am not required to change, I am the one who decides, and I am not the one who decides about it. I judge. I’m not doomed. This is the way it is and always will be. Treat. I will not change and I cannot change. I know what I am but I choose this, who wouldn’t when you’re as victorious and gorgeous as I am?