Why is my girlfriend always mad at me? 13 possible reasons

You have a girlfriend who seems angry with you all the time.

She gets upset over the smallest things, and it stresses you out.

What gives?

This article will help you figure out why your girlfriend is always angry with you.

1) She is emotionally immature
This reason is primarily because in most cases, it will be at least an underlying contributing factor to the problem.

We all get angry from time to time. But when someone often struggles to control their emotions, it is often a sign of immaturity.

It is more common among girls and younger women, but many adults also remain emotionally immature during their lives.

There’s no denying that emotions can be powerful, and we’ll all feel overwhelmed by them at some point.

But as we grow, learn, and develop as people, many of us mature so that we don’t unfairly spread our negative feelings onto others.

Unfortunately, not everyone does though.

Immaturity can go hand in hand with a lack of self-awareness. If you can’t see her behavior patterns, she won’t be able to self-analyze and hold herself accountable.

Related : 12 signs your partner looks down on you (and what to do about it)

Therefore, at this moment, she may be “blinded” by her emotional impulses, but she lacks the maturity and self-control to question her words and actions.

2) She “tests you”
This reason is perhaps best explained with the example of a young child.

Parents often refer to the “terrible twos” to mark this stage, as children at this age act out and test boundaries.

Some adult relationships experience something similar. People will see what they can get away with.

They will do something or say something to see how far they can push before their partner reacts.

They test the waters to see if they can get away with certain behaviors without consequences.

If they find themselves in trouble for their actions, they know they have gone too far.

The same thing happens when people date.

A woman may be trying to see if she can get away with being mean or cruel to her boyfriend. She wants to see if he’ll stand up for himself, or if she can get past him.

In some ways, you can end up being a metaphorical punching bag if you know you’ll tolerate it.

If she puts up with it, that’s how she releases her unverifiable frustrations.

3) She seeks attention
Attention-seeking is doing something to get attention.

Even when the attention you create is externally negative, for some people the goal is simply to attract attention.

If she doesn’t feel like she’s getting enough positive attention from you, whatever attention she has in mind will do.

She may cry, scream, and get angry just to get your attention.

The irony is that when someone acts out and gets angry, rather than being arrogant or full of themselves, they are often an insecure person deep down.

She may have low self-esteem. Strangely, she tries to feel loved and cared for.

Maybe you’re doing all of this poorly.

4) She has unrealistic expectations
Do you feel like everything you do is not good enough?

Maybe she’s upset with you for not texting her enough, or angry if you don’t call her right away, or upset if you don’t spend every second together.

She expects you to read her mind and know what she wants from you all the time.

Many of us unconsciously form unspoken expectations from our partners. Then we get really angry when we don’t meet them.

The unfortunate problem is that many of us have false images of love and relationships, which leads to disappointment.

We expect our partner to give us things that he cannot give us.

Have you ever asked yourself why love is so difficult?

Why can’t it be what you imagined growing up? Or at least make sense…

When you’re dealing with a very moody and angry girlfriend, it’s easy to get frustrated and even feel helpless. You may also be tempted to give up and give up on love.

I want to suggest doing something different.

It’s something I learned from world-famous shaman Ruda Yande. It taught me that the path to finding love and intimacy is not what we are culturally accustomed to believing.

Many of us sabotage and cheat ourselves for years, getting in the way of meeting a partner who can truly satisfy us.

As Rhoda explains in this amazing free video, many of us chase love in a toxic way that ends up stabbing us in the back.

We get stuck in terrible relationships or empty encounters, never find what we’re looking for, and continue to feel terrible about things like our partner constantly being angry with us.

We fall in love with the ideal version of someone instead of the real person.

Related : When do ex girlfriends start to miss you? 21 big signs

We try to “fix” our partners and end up destroying relationships.

We try to find someone who “completes” us, and then we collapse with them next to us and feel twice as bad.

Rhoda’s teachings showed me a whole new perspective.

While watching, I felt like someone understood my struggle with finding and nurturing love for the first time — and finally offered an actual, practical solution to creating a healthy relationship.

If you’ve ended up in frustrating relationships and had your hopes dashed over and over again, this is a message you need to hear.

5) She is spoiled
If she’s used to getting her way, she may fly off the handle when she doesn’t.

In this sense, she is using anger as a way to try to control and manipulate you into doing what she wants.

The pattern you are trying to establish is:

When I’m not happy, you will be punished.

Anger can be a tactic people use in a relationship to try to get the upper hand. You may give up trying to please her.

Anything for an easy life, right?

But it’s not that different from a teenager who makes a fuss when he doesn’t get what he wants.

She may feel entitled. Instead of taking responsibility for her moods, desires, and needs, she falls into victim mode.

Therefore, she can get frustrated easily and deal with you when she feels things are not going her way.

When you feel that certain needs are not being met, instead of expressing that constructively, it flows negatively.

6) She is not sure about your relationship
It is possible that she is not happy in the relationship.
I’ll be honest, in my younger years when I wanted to break up with someone, I started behaving horribly towards them.

I didn’t have the maturity to handle the situation. I didn’t know how to address the problems I felt existed in the relationship.

So, instead of being honest and saying what was happening to me, I expressed my frustrations in other ways.

If she has doubts, her uncertainty may show by being angry with you all the time.

This is likely the case if she has recently changed her behavior towards you.

Maybe at first things were good. We got on well and had fun together. But now she gets mad at you over the stupidest things.

If so, it may be a symptom of a deeper problem lurking beneath the surface.

This does not necessarily mean that she wants to break up. But it may mean that there are some bigger issues that you both need to address.

7) She has anger issues
Anger problems are more than just immaturity and acting out when you don’t get what you want or feel like you’re not getting enough attention.

The truth is that a certain amount of anger is completely normal.

It is a natural and instinctive response to feeling threatened. We need it to survive because it protects us from harm.

But while most people have a nervous temperament at times, some people have difficulty controlling this.

Instead, their anger problems worsen. If your friend has anger issues, you may notice that she:

  • He says harsh things and is verbally abusive
  • Loses it to the point of physical threat (for example, throws things or acts violently)
  • He gets angry constantly and frequently
  • He seems out of control sometimes
  • She has to constantly apologize to people for her outbursts
  • He gets upset and angry even over the most trivial and trivial things

Various factors can cause and contribute to anger problems.

Things like alcohol or drug abuse, mental health problems, and personality disorders can play a role.

8) Hormones
This is in no way an attempt to justify your unreasonable anger at your friend, but hormones are crazy things.

While men’s hormone levels remain fairly constant throughout the month, women’s levels fluctuate dramatically.

This is due to biology.

Women are more cyclical because their monthly menstrual cycle is very hormonally regulated. Men, on the other hand, produce testosterone constantly throughout the year.

Premenstrual stress is often misunderstood. For starters, hormone issues don’t just affect women “during that time of the month.”

Their hormones are constantly fluctuating. Depending on her body, this can affect a woman to very different degrees.

Even minor changes in diet, sleep, exercise, and countless other things can affect mood-causing hormones.

9) She has mental health issues
It can be said that the world is facing an epidemic of mental health problems.

It is estimated that 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression.

Mental health problems, including anxiety, stress, and depression, can manifest in a variety of ways.

This can include impatience, exhaustion, inability to cope, quickly going off the handle, and anger.

This may be temporary and result from some external pressure you are experiencing at the moment. But it could also be a deeper problem.

You may also see other signs that she has low self-esteem, low confidence, poor social skills, and/or lack of motivation.

If you suspect your friend may be struggling with her mental health, here’s what to look for:

  • Feeling sad almost every day
  • Showing a lack of interest in things she used to enjoy
  • Having difficulty falling asleep or sleeping all the time
  • exhaustion
  • Changes in her appetite
  • To be irritable and anxious
  • Being down on herself
  • You find it difficult to focus on anything

10) Get some expert guidance
While this article explores the main reasons why your girlfriend is always mad at you, it may be helpful to talk to a relationship coach about your situation.

Related : 15 unfortunate signs she’s only after your money and doesn’t truly love you

With a professional relationship coach, you can get advice specific to your life and experiences…

Relationship Hero is a site where highly trained relationship coaches help people through complex and difficult love situations, like communication issues.

It’s a very popular resource for people facing this type of challenge.

How do I know?

Well, I reached out to them a few months ago when I was going through a rough patch in my relationship.

After being lost in my thoughts for so long, it gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track.

I was blown away by how kind, compassionate, and helpful my coach was.

In just a few minutes, you can connect with a certified relationship coach and get advice tailored to your situation.

Click here to get started.

11) You haven’t learned how to communicate properly
What do your friend’s parents or caregivers look like?

I ask because the home environment we are born into goes a long way in shaping the people we become.

Especially when it comes to family, they become role models for us in our relationships.

If her parents are constantly angry with each other, she has likely learned that this is how they communicate.

Healthy communication is not something we are born knowing how to do. We are learning that. And sometimes we don’t learn it as we grow up and need to relearn it from other (better) sources.

It is undeniable that our past shapes us in silent and invisible ways. But this does not mean that we can evade responsibility.

It’s an explanation for why she’s always angry with you and yelling at you, not an excuse.

As we become adults we need to learn new ways of dealing with things.

Maybe you need to find a healthier way to communicate with each other and deal with problems that arise.

12) You feel misunderstood
Compatibility issues in a relationship may cause your girlfriend to get angry with you and have mood swings often.

When we are not on the same wavelength as our partner, it can lead to feelings of misunderstanding. This causes disconnection.

If she feels like you don’t understand, listen to, or “get” her, this can lead to frustration on her part.

Being completely different from your partner isn’t always a bad thing, of course. Couples can find that they balance each other out.

For example, if one of them is more prone to anxiety, the other might calm him or her down with a comforting attitude.

In this way, the differences can be complemented. But if the differences are more fundamental, it means problems in the relationship.

When your communication styles conflict with your values, love languages, and personality traits, it can create a volatile environment.

13) She has previous traumas
Our identity today is shaped by a combination of biological and environmental factors that influence our personality.

The experiences we have affect us.

If she has had certain traumatic experiences in her past, she may have developed anger as a defense coping mechanism.

When they feel threatened—whether that threat is real or imagined—they respond by shoving.

The way you push back can be by really getting angry. Deep down, anger is often a mask we use for sadness and pain.

If you know that your friend has had a lot of problems in her past, she probably needs to work through these issues with a trained professional.

To get rid of her anger, and not pressure you, you may need to find better coping mechanisms.