Why I Wish I Could Be a Narcissist

Narcissism, a personality trait characterized by excessive self-love and a lack of empathy for others, is generally viewed negatively in society due to its harmful consequences on relationships and well-being. However, there are instances where individuals might express a fleeting desire to be a narcissist, often out of a misunderstanding of what narcissism entails. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the occasional wish to be a narcissist and why such a desire may be misguided.

The Allure of Narcissism

Confidence and Self-Assuredness: Narcissists often exude confidence and self-assuredness, traits that can be appealing. Their unwavering belief in themselves can be mistaken for genuine self-esteem.

Notoriety and Attention: Some narcissists gain attention and recognition due to their self-promotion and charisma. This can be alluring, as recognition and fame are often seen as desirable.

Emotional Resilience: Narcissists often seem emotionally resilient and less affected by criticism or rejection. This perceived resilience might make some people wish they could handle adversity with similar ease.

Fearlessness in Pursuing Goals: Narcissists tend to be relentless in pursuing their ambitions, which can be inspiring for those who struggle with motivation or perseverance.

Misconceptions About Narcissism

Narcissism vs. Self-Confidence: Narcissism and self-confidence are not the same. Self-confidence is a healthy trait that is built on realistic self-appraisal and self-belief, whereas narcissism is rooted in an inflated sense of self-importance.

Empathy and Relationships: While narcissists may appear confident, they often lack empathy and have difficulty maintaining healthy, meaningful relationships. Their behavior can cause harm to themselves and others.

Loneliness and Isolation: Narcissism can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, as narcissists’ self-centeredness may alienate those around them.

Vulnerability to Criticism: Narcissists may not handle criticism well; they often react defensively or aggressively, which can strain relationships and hinder personal growth.

The Dark Side of Narcissism

Relationship Struggles: Narcissists often experience difficulties in forming and maintaining healthy relationships due to their self-centered behavior and lack of empathy.

Emotional Turmoil: Beneath the surface of their grandiose facade, narcissists may experience inner turmoil, insecurity, and a constant need for validation.

Isolation: Narcissists’ behavior may lead to isolation, as others may distance themselves to protect their own well-being.

Short-Term Success, Long-Term Consequences: While narcissists may achieve short-term success, their behaviors can lead to long-term personal and professional consequences.

Embracing Healthy Traits

Rather than wishing to be a narcissist, individuals can aspire to develop and cultivate healthier traits that offer the benefits without the drawbacks. These traits include:

Self-Confidence: Strive to build genuine self-confidence based on self-awareness and self-improvement.

Resilience: Develop emotional resilience through self-reflection, coping strategies, and seeking support when needed.

Perseverance: Cultivate perseverance by setting and working toward meaningful goals while adapting to setbacks.

Empathy: Foster empathy to strengthen relationships and enhance emotional intelligence.


While the allure of narcissism may occasionally cross one’s mind, it’s essential to recognize the misconceptions surrounding narcissistic behavior. Instead of wishing to be a narcissist, individuals can focus on developing healthier traits that promote self-confidence, resilience, and empathy, ultimately leading to more fulfilling and harmonious lives.