Why I Need Reassurance, Even When I Love You?

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why do I need reassurance even when I’m loved?”, – Don’t worry, you are not alone. Here’s why you’re looking for it.

I have never felt what I feel now. When I met you, I experienced a whole new world where I could freely spread my wings, where my soul was awakened for the first time, and where I realized how unfettered it is to live. I felt the doors of my heart open one by one.

It all happened without confusing me because everything was so natural as I felt like the jigsaw puzzle pieces of my life had finally fallen into the right place. So why, why do I feel the need for reassurance every now and then?

Don’t get me wrong! I don’t think I lack confidence, faith, or belief that what we have is real and permanent. I need reassurance because I don’t know how to live with the new set of feelings I’m feeling.

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I need reassurance because I have been broken so many times as I travel through life to find you.
I am still burdened by the past, and while I trust you completely, I cannot control my heart of fear that the past will repeat itself. My heart cannot allow itself to be broken again.

I know, I sound like a no-brainer when I say that because there is no comparison between you and those who hurt me or even the normal kind of men who walked into my life. You are so much more than I ever wanted.

You’re no picture of perfection, and you won’t hesitate to tell me that, but I’m also nowhere near perfect, and that’s what impresses me about you. The imperfections within you make you perfect in ways that are unique to you.

You treat me with respect, you love me unconditionally, put your time and effort in, encourage and support me through thick and thin. That you are not ashamed to introduce me to your nearest kin and calm my nerves even when I am in the midst of the worst kinds of mood swings typical of a woman.

Inaccurate words, you are the blessing I always wanted in my life.

I can’t say in words why I need reassurance, but I do and I’m sorry for that because you give me no reason to be afraid, but this is what I know:

I know I’m letting past experiences get the better of my feelings, but I know very well that you’re not like everyone else.

I know I think a lot and sometimes misjudge you, but I realize we are still in the midst of knowing each other.

I realize my expectations often want things to be done my way, but I know full well that you also have ways of doing things, and I’m totally okay with that.

I realize that sometimes my doubts about you get the better of me and I end up saying things I don’t mean, but I know deep down that I am connected to you in a way that you will understand when I mean and when I don’t.

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I know sometimes my mind tries to connect my past to my present and that when I don’t believe you, my stubbornness gets the better of me, but I also know that even if your reactions may not meet my expectations, it doesn’t mean that you don’t care about me or my feelings.

I know we both put up with things and do it a lot but I can take comfort in the fact that we are able to relate to each other so well which is why misunderstandings can never creep between us.

I need reassurance. I know I’m not the only one who’s been through bad relationships in the past, you too have had your share of heartbreak.

I know I hurt your feelings when I have mood swings, and I know an apology isn’t enough, but it’s also in those moments that I know you understand that I love you and still be there for me when I act unreasonably. I know the same applies to you, too.

I realize these don’t explain why I feel the need for reassurance, but I just want you to remember that even if I try to find reassurance, it never means that I no longer trust or believe in you, or that I have less love or compare it to someone else.