Why Do Narcissists Listen to Sappy Love Songs?

Narcissism is often associated with traits such as a lack of empathy, self-absorption, and a desire for admiration. Given this, it might seem surprising to think of narcissists enjoying sappy love songs, which are filled with themes of vulnerability, emotional depth, and romantic longing. However, there are psychological reasons that explain why narcissists may be drawn to these sentimental tunes.

1. Narcissists Crave Idealized Love

Narcissists often fantasize about a perfect relationship where they are adored unconditionally. Sappy love songs, which often focus on idealized, unconditional love, appeal to their desire to be loved and worshipped without the imperfections of real-world relationships. These songs can feed their fantasies of finding a partner who will fulfill all their emotional needs without challenging them or setting boundaries.

For narcissists, the romantic lyrics reinforce their belief that they deserve to be loved in a grand, idealized way. The emotional intensity of the songs speaks to their craving for admiration and validation, which they often seek through relationships.

2. Projecting Their Own Feelings

Narcissists often lack emotional depth and empathy, but that doesn’t mean they are completely devoid of feelings. When they listen to love songs, they may project their own desires and experiences onto the lyrics. They can identify with the sentiment of wanting to be desired and admired, even if their understanding of love is more about control and power than genuine affection.

These songs provide narcissists with a platform to feel as though they are experiencing deep emotions, even if their emotional connection is shallow. It allows them to act out the emotions they believe they should feel in a relationship without having to engage in the emotional work required for a real connection.

3. Romanticized Self-Image

Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self and a romanticized view of their own lives. Sappy love songs provide the perfect soundtrack for their self-created narratives, where they are the star of their own love story. These songs allow them to imagine themselves as the ultimate romantic partner—desirable, sought-after, and irresistible.

The drama and emotional highs of love songs also mirror the highs narcissists often seek in their relationships. They want passion and adoration without having to navigate the complexities of compromise or emotional depth. By listening to love songs, they can indulge in the fantasy without having to face the reality of a balanced relationship.

4. Escaping Emotional Vulnerability

While narcissists often avoid genuine emotional vulnerability, love songs provide a safe way for them to experience vulnerability by proxy. They can listen to songs about heartbreak, longing, and deep emotional connections without actually having to experience or acknowledge these feelings in their own lives.

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In a sense, love songs allow narcissists to experience a form of emotional catharsis without having to deal with the messy realities of real emotions. They can enjoy the emotional journey from a distance, controlling their engagement with it while avoiding the discomfort of true vulnerability.

5. Reinforcing Their Manipulative Tendencies

Narcissists are skilled at manipulating emotions, both in themselves and in others. Listening to love songs can provide them with material to use in their own manipulative tactics. They may borrow romantic language or ideas from the songs to charm their partners, creating an illusion of emotional depth.

By quoting or referencing sappy love songs, narcissists can feign emotional connection, leading their partners to believe that they are more invested in the relationship than they truly are. This can be particularly effective in maintaining control, as love songs often evoke strong emotions that can be used to manipulate others into providing the narcissist with the admiration and attention they crave.


While narcissists may not experience love in the way that others do, their attraction to sappy love songs can be explained by their need for idealized love, emotional projection, and self-aggrandizement. These songs offer a fantasy world where narcissists can indulge in romantic ideals without having to face the complexities of real relationships. By tapping into the themes of love songs, narcissists can continue to manipulate and control their image of love, avoiding the emotional vulnerability and authenticity that genuine connection requires.

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