Why Do Narcissists Have Affairs?

Narcissists are often characterized by their self-centeredness, desire for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. These traits can lead them to engage in behaviors that are damaging to their relationships, such as having affairs. But why are narcissists more prone to infidelity? Understanding the motivations behind their actions can shed light on this destructive pattern.

1. Need for Validation

One of the primary reasons narcissists have affairs is their insatiable need for validation. While they may receive attention and admiration from their primary partner, it is often not enough to satisfy their egos. Narcissists are constantly seeking new sources of admiration to reinforce their self-worth. Affairs provide an opportunity for them to feel desired and admired by someone new, giving them a temporary boost to their fragile self-esteem.

2. Boredom and Need for Excitement

Narcissists tend to get bored easily. Once the novelty of a relationship wears off and routine sets in, they may begin to seek excitement elsewhere. An affair offers the thrill of a new conquest and the excitement of secrecy. Narcissists are often driven by their desire for stimulation, and an affair provides a way for them to break free from the monotony of their primary relationship.

3. Sense of Entitlement

A key trait of narcissism is a grandiose sense of entitlement. Narcissists believe that they deserve more than others and that the rules that apply to most people don’t apply to them. This inflated sense of self-worth can lead them to believe they are entitled to have affairs, regardless of the commitment they’ve made to their partner. They may rationalize their behavior by convincing themselves that they deserve more admiration, attention, or excitement than their partner can provide.

4. Fear of Intimacy

Despite their need for admiration, narcissists often have a deep fear of emotional intimacy. Genuine emotional closeness requires vulnerability, something that narcissists typically avoid. Affairs allow them to maintain emotional distance from their primary partner while satisfying their need for attention. By having an affair, they can prevent their partner from getting too close emotionally, keeping themselves in control of the relationship dynamics.

Related : Why Do Narcissists Treat Their Spouses Horribly?

5. Desire for Power and Control

For narcissists, relationships can be seen as a means of exerting power and control. Affairs can serve as a way to manipulate and control both their primary partner and their affair partner. Narcissists often enjoy the feeling of being in control, and having an affair gives them leverage over both parties. They may feel powerful knowing they can deceive their partner while keeping their affair partner on a string, using emotional manipulation to maintain control over both relationships.

6. Lack of Empathy

A hallmark of narcissism is a lack of empathy. Narcissists struggle to understand or care about the feelings of others, including their partner. Because they are focused primarily on their own needs and desires, they may not consider the emotional pain their infidelity could cause. Even if they do recognize the harm they are causing, they often lack the emotional capacity to feel genuine remorse or guilt for their actions.

7. Avoidance of Responsibility

Narcissists often avoid taking responsibility for their actions, and this extends to their relationships. If they are unhappy or dissatisfied in a relationship, rather than addressing the issues with their partner or working to improve the relationship, they may seek out an affair as a way of avoiding responsibility. An affair allows them to escape from the emotional work required to maintain a healthy relationship, while still satisfying their need for admiration and attention.


Narcissists have affairs for a variety of reasons, most of which are rooted in their distorted sense of self. Their need for validation, excitement, and control, combined with their lack of empathy and fear of intimacy, drives them to seek out new relationships, even when it comes at the expense of their committed partner. Understanding these underlying motivations can help those affected by a narcissist’s infidelity to recognize the toxic patterns and make informed decisions about their relationships.

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