Mr. or Mrs. Know-It-All Strikes You Again!
You roll your eyes for the fiftieth time when the narcissist brings up a topic they know absolutely nothing about.
It hurts, doesn’t it?
You want to ask them why they are so determined to put themselves in this position when they clearly have nothing substantive to offer the conversation.
And yet, they dig themselves into this hole.
The question is: Why do they do it?
Get Ready…
The explosive attitude of the narcissist who thinks they know it all is about to come crashing down on you.
It’s disgusting to me to watch someone try to brag and show off in any conversation they find themselves in.
Related : 20 Reasons Why Narcissists Secretly Hate You
I know all about it.
I’m an expert when it comes to this.
I’m fully aware of what to do.
You know nothing about this. Unlike me.
Does any of this sound like a phrase you’ve heard before?
To me, I’ve heard it many times, actually.
And I still find it funny when I think of all the times the narcissists I know have tried to pretend to be the smart one. The expert. The one that everyone should bow down to and worship.
But I don’t believe in doing that.
I believe that goodness has to be earned, and that doesn’t come naturally to some people. Well, for narcissists anyway.
And They Are All The Same
If you think that not all narcissists act the same, you’re wrong.
Once you’ve met one, you’ve really met them all.
The same dynamics apply. The same rulebook. The same pain. The same outcomes. The same symptoms in all their victims.
It’s time for a quick reminder of who exactly narcissists are:
Quick Fire Narcissist Round
Let’s get one thing straight here. All narcissists are the same. Male, female, young, old, rich, poor, color, creed: these eight elements will make up a narcissist.
Related : The ONE Thing That Makes Every Narcissist Snap
Identifying with one type means you’ve met them all. Naturally, this is why victims fall into relationships with more than one type; they know this familiarity.
As different as their personalities may be, the traits behind the mask are all the same.
From the moment they charm you, to the time you can’t take it anymore, it’s you who suffers.
All narcissists are the same. Male, female, young, old, rich, poor, color, creed: these eight elements will make up a narcissist.
1 They are full of self-importance.
2 They believe they are always right.
3 They hate being questioned or confronted.
4 They love attention.
5 They lie.
6 They hate you for trying to upset or undermine them.
7 They refuse to listen to you.
8 They fail.
I hope you read all of these points three times.
Each one gives interesting insight into why they think they know everything.
Narcissists as Experts: Why?
To ruin your day, here’s why!
Or, if you want the premium version:
1 They Love a Crowd
Anything that draws a crowd, you can guarantee that the narcissist will be the first in line to get tickets.
The more people hovering around them and clinging to them, the better.
Related : 5 Normal Things That Drive Narcissists Nuts
And they’re very good at pretending. They can talk their way out of any situation with their fake charm and enthusiasm for pleasing others.
It’s more than a little gross!
2 They Want to Be Wise
Tell us a story, wise man.
Tell us how you know everything.
Feed us your endless shrine of information.
Enough of that! Narcissists will think that’s what their audience thinks when they swarm around them like flies on a week-old pancake.
You know better.
At least, I hope you know better!
Putting your trust in their wisdom will only bring you down from a great height. They’re not wise, they just like to think they are.
Anyone who believes their lies is even more stupid.
3 They choke on your validation
If there’s one thing narcissists need on a daily basis, it’s validation from everyone they meet.
That might look like this:
Wow, you’re so smart.
You literally know everything—that’s pretty cool!
Your car is beautiful. You’re lucky.
I love how clever you are about these things.
I love what you do with your hair.
You are a very good friend/parent/partner.
Narcissists need to hear comments like this to almost boost their self-worth.
Related : The Hidden Danger of Narcissists: They’re Hiding in Plain Sight
They can’t find it on their own. It would be impossible, since they are some of the most insecure people on the planet.
The difference between a normal insecure person and a narcissist is the ego.
With you, you may feel a little insecure about your body, or your ability to drive. But you work on it. You own that insecurity.
Narcissists will cover up their insecurities with a mixture of ego and entitlement. They place their confidence in how good they are at covering up the cracks in their true personality.
You and me?
We own these cracks.
Narcissists will talk about them, pretending to know everything about everything just to hear that they’re awesome.
4 Involve them… now!
Don’t leave me out!
I need to hear what’s going on!
Maybe you’re having a healthy, balanced conversation with a friend, and the narcissist comes in and immediately tries to manipulate the conversation to be all about them.
Related : Don’t Fall for the Narcissist’s Charm Offensive
Suddenly, you and your friend are listening to their constant stream of meaningless nonsense.
It’s as boring as it is exhausting, but narcissists need to be a part of it so they don’t feel left out.
5 They Think They’re Always Right
In a twisted and destructive self-perception, narcissists see themselves as right, even when everyone else knows they’re wrong.
It’s interesting to watch them bathe in the glory of their own greatness. It’s like they’re in their own world, but they expect you to go along for the ride without saying a word.
If you’re like me, you’ve had a little experience watching narcissists try to be right, and insist that they are.
You try to argue with them, but it doesn’t help. They try to embarrass you for daring to speak out against them. And while their shame leads you to you, you’re left speechless.
How anyone can live under such false illusions is beyond me, but that’s the reality we’re dealing with here.
The more you get to know them, the more they drag you into this false reality.
The most dangerous part of it is how they pull you out of your actual reality by manipulating you.
Before you know it, you believe everything they say, even if it’s complete bullshit that they know nothing about.