Why Do I Miss My Boyfriend When I Know He’s Toxic?

One of the worst things after a breakup is having this intuitive knowledge that your ex is absorbed, not right for you, unable to be emotionally available, not empathetic, and will never change. However, you still miss him more than ever. You ask yourself ” Why do I miss my boyfriend when I know I deserve more?”

You can’t stop thinking about it. Your days have now passed from something life-like to this constant battle between your head, your heart, your libido, and your gut. Your gut knows, your heart “knows,” your libido needs and your head is just trying to keep up with which team to root for.

You are in a self-imposed Groundhog Day nightmare of losing someone you know is not worth a millisecond of your time. However, you can’t stop thinking about it.

A recent conversation I had with a friend made me revisit the aftermath of the majority of previous breakups. No matter how much I knew the relationship wasn’t worth it, I wondered “why am I missing my boyfriend?”

My girlfriend was in tears. She told me that she was lied to, cheated on over and over again, and made to feel as if she wasn’t enough while in the relationship. Her ex-husband had recently broken up with her and despite the huge amounts of nonsense, guess what? I missed it anyway.

Related : Know When To Walk Away: 15 Non-Negotiable Red Flags To Look Out For

When I asked her what makes her cry the most, I was sure she would start telling me that this was cheating and then go into all the details of the girl he cheated on her with. Nope. She wasn’t crying over infidelity, lies, disloyalty, or the embarrassment she felt.

“It was perfect for me, Natasha. I mean, our parents got along very well, and we were cute kids. I have this connection with his little sister and I am in love with his family. He is very handsome and always makes me laugh. We looked perfect together and now it’s over. He’s a great guy. What am I going to do now?”

And that’s what you call a giant red flag. I thought that maybe amid her crying, she made a mistake in her speech. But then I remembered how I used to feel the same way. I had no idea how to stop losing my ex long enough to get a rational and collected idea.

I got home that night and looked in my email inbox to see that my girlfriend and I are not alone in ” I miss my boyfriend even though he’s toxic.”We are in a great company.
Here’s what to do when you can’t get off the train “I miss my boyfriend…

However, the…

When you’re grappling with the question, “Why do I miss him,” especially after you’ve been in a relationship where you’ve faced disrespect and diminished self-esteem, it’s crucial to face the truth and have an honest conversation with yourself.

You know that quote, “the truth will set you free?”There’s a reason it’s a famous quote.

When you share the truth, you are better prepared to reject hurtful behavior. In doing so, you build unshakable confidence.

I call that win/win.

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