Narcissists are cruel. This is not born of any special “power” they have. Instead, they see it as a shield, hiding people from the real person underneath.
The truly fragile, vulnerable, and insecure human being.
Behind their facade of superiority lies self-loathing. This drives narcissists to commit moral crimes.
They belittle others.
They manipulate.
They seek validation from others to the point where they can cause pain.
They reveal a dark and malicious streak to those closest to them.
But why?
Buckle up – this is a tough ride.
Where your soul and mine are, there is nothing but emptiness with narcissists.
Their inner emptiness is what they constantly try to cover up by pretending to be nice. They pretend to love you. They pretend to care.
Related : Things That Make Narcissists Lose Their Mind
They seduce you.
And then they cause nothing but disrespect.
They will attack you, or any choices you may make or things you love. If the only way to turn is to the left, they will scold you for not choosing the right way.
Narcissists change the air around you to make it naturally cold all the time.
But guess what they gain from that?
Narcissists jump and jump and jump when they see you looking so miserable. That means their evil plans to destroy you and push you away are working.
If you feel happy like them, they need to change that ASAP.
You know the times, come on – raise your hands!
What are you wearing, a dress or a nightgown? Just kidding! You look fine.
Oh my god, is that the beef you cooked, or is it the leather couch? It’s just a joke!
I better drive, you need an eye test, you’re that bad. Just kidding!
We all joke – I get it. I’m talking about the constant sarcasm. Everything. Anything. All things. Day and night. No matter what day it is or what company you’re in.
In fact…
In front of a group of people, narcissists will take this opportunity to laugh and joke more than they would if you were at home. People will laugh, yes. They’ll think it’s just a one-off, or that after a few drinks, people are getting a little jealous.
You know the truth, and it’s hard for you to fake a smile.
What a Narcissist Does to a Narcissist
Narcissism is something that narcissists don’t even believe in (when it comes to them). They’ll also try to avoid calling others narcissists in case they get twisted in the meaning as well.
Related :8 Things a Narcissist Will Never Tell You
But underneath it all, narcissism creates an unhappy life for the narcissist.
Underneath all the drama, conflict, and grandiosity, narcissists are really vulnerable people.
Imagine living day in and day out in that skin. With that ego. With all those deep-seated fears. With that horrible feeling of being found out.
Narcissists have to struggle, don’t they?
They think they aren’t, but karma is such that they don’t live a perfect life at all.
They are never happy.
Not being able to control will make a narcissist really bad. I mean, they will lash out and get angry if things don’t go their way.
They do this because they have a system in their head. They have assigned certain people certain jobs to do, all of which somehow pleases the narcissist.
If you stop your job, or suddenly quit it – the whole system stops working.
Narcissists will punish you by giving you the silent treatment (designed to make you extremely anxious and apologetic). They will get angry with you and call you difficult or troublesome.
Actually – they are anxious.
They don’t like change, unless they are directly involved in it.
Wake Up…
I’m not kidding.
Things can get ugly if the narcissist feels threatened by someone else’s success.
If you’re doing well, they’re going to have a serious problem with that.
I know what you’re thinking, and we’ve all thought about it.
If a narcissist is jealous, there’s nothing stopping them from doing something for themselves.
Narcissists don’t want to work for something—they want instant gratification. That’s why they enjoy throwing critical comments your way.
Sad to say, but narcissists don’t really know any better. They’re not used to any other kind of life.
They’ve never been encouraged to explore or be proud of who they are. Their emotions have always been ignored or completely destroyed (usually by a parent). They’ve lived trying to get attention by shouting and making themselves seen or heard through material success.
Related :Things That Make Narcissists Lose Their Mind
Narcissists don’t know how to be truly kind and loving. They think they are, but they’re not. It’s not real or what you or I would equate to being authentic.
DeepDown: They Hate Themselves
Dig a little deeper.
Dig deeper.
Still nothing?
Try again.
There you go!
I’ve uncovered their layer of self-loathing.
Are you surprised it’s there? It’s hard to imagine it’s there when they act like they’re “me” all the time, and I get that. Narcissists trick people into believing what they want them to believe.
Notice how it feels when you see what’s really going on. Everyday life can be a painful reminder of how much negativity they carry inside about themselves.
Narcissists are bitter people because they don’t have that inner foundation of self-love within them. They carefully choose who they do it with, and they try to get rid of it.
Related : What to Say to a Narcissist to Shut Them Down
After all, why should everyone love themselves?
It’s not fair!
Narcissists don’t want to communicate with you. Whatever your circumstances are, they are having a harder time. That’s all you’ll hear if you try to talk about your problems!
Narcissists are only interested in topics that suit them. They only want to hear about your problems if they can get something out of it.
Whatever it is.
So – if you go to them with your thoughts, or if you’re having a bad day – they won’t listen.
Narcissists will walk by homeless people and make angry noises, as if they’re on their way.
Having no self-esteem means they have to get it from somewhere.
They treat others like they’re shops.
Oh, that sells what I want. Except I don’t have any money, so I’ll take it for myself.
Before you know it, your self-esteem is going down, while theirs is growing. They say bad things to make you feel bad, and when you feel bad, they enjoy it.
Narcissists want to climb above those who have it all by possessing nothing but stolen emotive goods.