Gemini is fickle, which makes them very complex. You meet your twin sign, and you’ll hear them say one thing. But then, the next day, they changed their minds.
What is the thing that makes Geminis so volatile?
Geminis are changeable, and for this reason, they have a strong need for change.
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Gemini is one of the most hated signs, if not the most hated, but we’re talking about two people in one, that’s why Gemini is the sign of the Twins, so deal with it.
Geminis have a certain set of personality traits that help them create their identity, but no two Geminis are the same.
Some of them are narcissists, while others are the sweetest people you will ever meet.
However, one thing that most, if not all, Geminis have in common is that we are very fickle, and I’m here to explain to you why we are fickle with you.
Here are some reasons why Gemini zodiac signs are so volatile, according to astrology:
- Geminis are fickle because of their ability to adapt.
The thing with Geminis is that they can go with the flow and change as needed.
This comes with a twist, because you never know when you will have to change to get through a certain situation.
Geminis take what they’re given and make it their own, so you can expect them to be volatile in a range of situations.
This doesn’t make them fake people, it makes them versatile.
I don’t see a lot of other signs being able to change as needed based on the situation, so maybe it’s good for Geminis to be the way they are.
If you’ve ever heard the saying “roll with the punches,” or whatever, that’s what Geminis do, and they’re pretty good at it too.
Although I can’t say the same for other signs, I’m not responsible for how other signs act—I can only speak for my own sign, which happens to be Gemini.
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- Geminis are fickle because of their reluctance to be decisive.
One second, Gemini could want one thing, but the next second, Gemini could want something completely different.
It is difficult for Geminis to decide what they want, which is why they usually have a million and one things going on at once.
Volatility is when someone or something changes frequently, and this is usually what Geminis are like when they are indecisive.
This is especially true for something Gemini is interested in, so if you see a Gemini choosing between some things he is interested in.
They constantly change their minds, so don’t be alarmed.
You can definitely say that Geminis need help in the decision-making process.
It’s not something they should be shocked if they go through a bunch of different stages before they settle on “the right one.”
I know that I, a Gemini who will celebrate his birthday in late May, wanted to attend five more graduate programs before I decided to move forward with my MSW.
So give us Gemini time to decide what we want. I promise we will come.
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- Geminis are fickle because of their impulsiveness.
Geminis tend to act before they think things through, which makes them impulsive creatures.
One second, they could be working on Project ABC, but if Project XYZ comes up in an instant, you better believe Geminis will stop doing Project ABC and go ahead and do Project XYZ without thinking about it first.
This is kind of like me deciding to apply to MSW programs on a whim, without really thinking about how to do it.
I applied without thinking, and then I kind of thought of a plan B that I didn’t end up needing it since I was in the MSW program.
- Geminis are fickle because they are irregular.
The thing about being erratic is that it’s synonymous with being unpredictable, which is something we Geminis are.
Geminis can’t seem to sit still because we get bored easily, and it takes a lot to keep us engaged in what we’re doing.
You might think things are going well for a Gemini, but then he does something random like pulling a donkey to play with out of nowhere.
It goes without saying that there is never a dull moment with a Gemini, and more often than not, you have to stay on your toes with them.
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- Geminis are fickle because of their curiosity.
Geminis have a keen interest in a range of things, which makes them have multiple projects going on at once.
When almost everything is of interest to Gemini, it is difficult for him to stay in one place, which is why he is fickle.
I was interested in law and wanted to be a lawyer, but then I realized I could also help people by being a social worker, so I decided to do that instead.
It’s not that this law is no longer interesting to me, it’s that I’m no longer more or less interested in it as I used to be, and to be honest, that’s perfectly fine.
What’s meant for you won’t work anyway, so I guess I wasn’t meant to be a lawyer in the first place.
- Geminis are fickle because they are extroverts.
As one of my favorite CVBZ songs says, “Pray to the ceiling that we never lose this feeling,” and that’s how most Geminis are when it comes to extroversion.
Being extrovert means being confident and socially friendly, and although they are the most disliked of the zodiac signs, Geminis are friendly and socially confident people.
Geminis are everywhere, but they are socially confident in what they do, which makes them outgoing people.
Not all Geminis bite and not all Geminis are as outgoing as each other, which makes them unique compared to each other.
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