Who Are Emotional Vampires and How to Recognize If You Are Dealing with One

Emotional vampires are like their monster counterparts, they drain your life. But they are not blood, but the essence of other people’s lives that feeds them.

I was excited to write this article, and yes, I had some interesting angles. But when I began to study the subject of emotional vampires, I made a shocking discovery. I was about to write about myself, an amorous vampire. I guess you think I’m having a hard time dealing with myself, and maybe I’m a tad bitch, but I’ve seen myself in every facet of my vampire personality. what can I do?

Until recently, I had seen narcissistic traits and toxic personalities in those who abused me. I got to know the games they were about to play and managed to thwart them from their task. But then, when I felt so proud of my discovery, I saw the same traits blossom in me. I realized that the symbolic vampire had bitten me and injected his poison into me.

I was evolving into a monster

But I won’t leave you hanging in the hustle and bustle of myself. No, I want to get better. I need you to understand what emotional vampirism is so you can recognize it, even if it’s just when you look in the mirror.

Emotional vampire – someone who drains emotional energy from others, either intentionally or unintentionally.

I think the best way to understand emotional vampirism is to answer a set of questions:
Do you feel exhausted after being with your loved ones?
Is someone you love always surrounded by drama?
Is it all about them, the sun, the moon, and all the other planets, yeah, do they revolve around this friend?
So, without further ado, let’s reveal the true sides of an emotional vampire
Emotional vampirism is different from physical vampirism and completely separate from psychological vampirism as well. With an emotional vampire, tactics can be subtle, and with this energy vampire, they can be completely unaware of their negative actions.

Believe me, I was shocked to see myself with such qualities, but I would gladly sacrifice myself, to find salvation for you and me. This, my friends, is how you identify an emotional vampire.

Yes, I can indulge myself

Even as I write this article, I feel self-absorbed. Maybe I am, and maybe with my constant reminding of myself, I’m getting more preoccupied with myself. I’m upset, because, as I write, I feel guilty for making this about me, again. An emotional vampire who will focus on himself above all others.

Sometimes they will attract as much negative attention to themselves as they do with bragging. This self-absorbed behavior could be unintentional, it just became a habit. Sometimes this behavior grows out of abusive treatment by others, as a way to become stronger again.

Do not listen well

When you talk to me, I find a way to bring the conversation back to myself. I hear what you’re saying, but I always formulate my next phrases as you speak. Am I listening? I’m not sure if I do or not, and that’s a trait I’m ashamed of.

An emotional vampire really won’t listen. They would just stare with a blank expressions, meanwhile formulating a reaction in their minds. They are consciously thinking of something more interesting than what you said before. I think it’s more than just deceptive behavior. It has become a norm to fight low self-esteem, even when it comes to simple conversation.

I have a victim mentality

I’m a victim, let me get that straight first. This statement, in and of itself, is unhealthy. I must say, “I was a victim,” but now I am a survivor. I have been abused in many ways throughout my life, by horrible oppressors, but if I choose to stay in the aftermath of that battle, I suffer from a victim mentality.

With this victim mentality, I will dominate the spotlight. I will draw attention to myself through the ordeal I’ve been through. Instead of growing up, I sometimes use this adversity to justify my wrong actions. I blame my abusers, but I should also blame myself. I had a choice to make when I realized my worth, and I didn’t always take the right path. Emotional vampires travel a dark and unhealthy path, playing the immortal victim.

It’s never my fault and I’m perfect

Despite the situation I am in, it is not my fault, and none of this is of my making. I play from every angle about how I am the damsel in distress, and I am in this place because of someone else’s manipulation. This is halfway true, but the other half shows that I have lofty views of myself. She has gone above and beyond to have a healthy self-image and into a cocky realm.

Let me break it down for you: I can do nothing wrong, I can say nothing wrong, and my beliefs, thoughts, and actions are always done for reasons that are innocent or valid. On the other hand, everyone is wrong. Emotional vampires, when offended, cannot easily see things from other points of view. Being in the wrong is harmful and makes them feel like they are in the victim’s shoes again, losing control and giving in to the abuser who has trapped them.

I will drain you

I don’t mean to, but after my stay, you’ll feel exhausted. I crave so much attention and constant interaction, that it can be hard to keep up with me. I speak quickly, move quickly, and even convey ideas in an emotional rush of enthusiasm. Then, suddenly when I become so mobile, I can fall into a state of depression.

Emotional vampires feed on light, unlike monsters from the movies. All that is new and shiny, all that is beautiful, we desire. If an emotional vampire was once a victim, they will be drawn into the new life of someone nice to them, someone who will listen to them and someone who will love them. They will love again with the same intensity, but not without draining much of that vitality for themselves. I don’t mean to do that, and maybe I can learn to share rather than share.

I’m in control

Emotional vampires tend to be very controlling in relationships and with other loved ones. I think losing control over other areas of life forces them to look for their kingdom, a place where they feel important and powerful. But more than that, somewhere they feel safe and always aware of what’s going on.

I control, although I don’t want to. I feel that if I can always know, always see, and understand every aspect of my life, I can be happy. As I am aware of what I do not want from life, I am also strong in what I do have. I can be ruthless and unwilling when it comes to accepting change and compromise.

I am not satisfied with my life

Basically, I’m not happy with how my life is going. I’m not where I want to be, I don’t keep promises I make and I hurt others. I have complete knowledge of what I’m doing and can’t stop myself. I see the end but am very cowardly and lack the motivation to get to where I need to be.

Being an emotional vampire, I am a drain on others because I am so miserable in my own life. There, I said it. I pretended to know what I’m doing for so long and now I can’t hide it. The bright side is that I know what I want. I only see this beautiful destination if I can see things from another perspective. I won’t give up, and if you know someone who is an emotional vampire, all is not lost.

What can we do? What do I do?

I have revealed myself, my vampire nature, and I hope this is my first step to healing. I encourage everyone to have an open mind about people who deal with complex nature. Yes, I ask for mercy. I also warn you not to get too close if you are not strong enough to handle emotional vampirism. You have to be strong, or the cycle will continue.