Sounds like fun, right?
Imagine that big-headed person who has been bothering you for a long time now. You want to wipe the smile off their selfish faces…
…but you don’t want drama.
Is that possible?
Well, yes and no. You can shut them up without drama, but not always.
Related : Why do Narcissists Give Silent Treatment?
I want to give you ways to do this that promote peace (after all… you deserve it for what you put up with!)
“I need you to listen to me”
Narcissists. No. Listen.
Aside from the fact that they don’t listen, they can’t listen. They don’t know how to listen. But also to be clear, they don’t want to hear what you have to say. It’s either wrong or boring.
When a narcissist is physically demanding that they listen to you, you’ve crossed a line. You may be seen as rude, abrasive, or even arrogant if you dare assert yourself in this way.
In fact – this will silence the narcissist, because they simply won’t know what to do with themselves when you take charge in this way.
“We’ll talk when you calm down”
The beauty here is that the longer the narcissist protests, the longer they’ll wait. Wanting to talk to you at such a frantic moment usually means they have a lot to say about you.
Cutting them off means they won’t get anything from you. No increase, no supply, nothing to fight against.
And guess what? You’re in control.
A narcissist’s “no” is one of the worst things they love to hear. You’re denying them something they want. If you’re the one responding, they won’t get it. They don’t leave anything out if they want you to do something you don’t want to do.
Narcissists feel entitled – they expect everything they want to be handed to them on a silver platter. It’s an almost automatic assumption that it will be given to them, and when it’s not, they’re left scratching their heads.
Silencing a narcissist doesn’t mean you’ll be able to end something on your terms, not theirs.
“What exactly do you want me to know?”
Watching a narcissist insult you, criticize you, or ridicule you for something can be a huge pain and frustration. You’ve caught them in a certain mood, and you’re the one who has to put up with it.
What if you dug deeper to find out what’s really going on? Stopping the narcissist from the game they’re trying to play by asking them to get to the point will shock them. And shock usually comes with not knowing what to say or do.
Related : How Do You Deal with Silent Treatment from Narcissists?
They know you get it.
“I don’t deserve to be talked to like that”
Knowing your worth reminds narcissists that they can’t define it. It’s a power we all have, but rarely do we have the confidence and self-esteem to show for it. Sometimes narcissists abuse others to the point where they can barely stand it. If you speak up for what you deserve – you’ll definitely shut them up.
I know you’re not trying to be better than the narcissist, but they won’t. They’ll assume you’re trying to annoy them, but let’s think logically. You’re simply changing the way you respond.
The narcissist will get used to talking to you the way they want to, regardless of how you feel. This way, you can remind them that you’re not going to put up with it anymore.
“I’ve said what I wanted to say, and I’m not willing to discuss it anymore.”
Narcissists love to repeat the same thing over and over again, because they know how effective it is to frustrate you with repetitive behavior. The pleasure they get from watching your frustration grow is unparalleled—but you can stop this and silence them.
Refusing to repeat what’s already been said is a good thing. It leaves room for a new discussion that the narcissist may not want to have. That’s the whole point!
It’s a real boundary to set when you say you’re not willing to continue participating. This tells the narcissist that you think the conversation is a waste of time and takes away all power from them.
“I know how I feel”
Although they won’t like hearing it, reminding them that you know how you feel will do a few things.
First, it sends a clear message that you won’t be manipulated. They can try to change your reality to suit them—but that won’t work—and you’ll let them know.
Related : How to avoid picking fights with narcissists
Second, it reminds you that you feel what you feel. Saying it out loud gives your feelings power—something a narcissist hates.
“I realize we don’t share the same opinion”
Healthy people know that disagreement is a good thing. If we all thought and acted the same, the world would be a boring place.
But narcissists love for you to dance to the beat of their drum. They want you to change your mind or agree with them because by agreeing, you are complying.
By reminding the narcissist that you are not sharing something, you are confirming that you are an independent person.
Exactly as you should be.
Using “oh-ha” is truly golden when communicating with a narcissist. You are present, you are in the room, you are responding – but in a simple way.
Narcissists do not like simple things – they want noise. They want tears. They want drama. They want gossip. They want to take it all in.
There is nothing that can be taken in with “oh-ha.” By default, you are shutting them up completely.
…nothing at all…
Say something!
Umm, how about no?
The silent treatment, when used by narcissists, is very harsh, don’t get me wrong. But if you are the one who is silent, it is for different reasons. Let them whine and whine and whine about you or their day. Keep doing what you’re doing. If necessary, make a small gesture to let them know that you’re not trying to completely antagonize them.
Related : Why do narcissists give you compliments?
Narcissists want you to be on their side, to agree with them, and to tell them they’re right.
They also love it when you respond, so they can put you in your place.
By staying silent, you’re not offering them any support at all. Without it, they can’t function properly, so you end up leaving them confused…
…and shutting them down completely.