I bet you don’t know what to do when you feel desperate. It’s okay, many of us suffer from this. That’s why we need positive thoughts.
Despair comes more often than we want to admit. I have this choppy feeling, and I keep moving forward. But I will say that it is not an easy task.
If you don’t know what to do with your feelings of despair, you are not alone. Sometimes I don’t have a clue either. It takes some time alone to figure out some ideas to help cope with these debilitating feelings.
What do you do when you feel despair?
On good days, it’s better to be productive. Do those things you love to do, and finish those things you have to do. The reason is: On days when you feel hopeless, you won’t feel like being productive.
However, in case you are already overwhelmed by responsibilities, when you feel this way, you must learn how to pull yourself up from the depths of despair. Here are some ideas.
- Remind yourself
When you first feel hopeless, remember that you never have to feel a certain way constantly. Even in the worst of depression, you will have good days.
When you are trying to cope when you feel hopeless, you should believe in reminders of the good days past and the better days to come. Nothing stays the same, and things will eventually change. Despair, no matter how heavy, will not last forever. So think about this.
- Treat yourself well
When you start to feel that dark feeling of giving up, do something good for yourself. It’s not selfish to pamper yourself every now and then by taking an extra nap or buying yourself a gift. If it lifts your spirits and doesn’t hurt anyone else, do it.
Spend some time alone watching your favorite shows, reading a good book, or even going on a trip to clear your thoughts. Think about you for a while, and then you can go back to doing things for others.
- Cry
Many of us start feeling hopeless and don’t know how to feel better. Then there are those who have the simplest solutions. The only solution is to cry. That’s right, dig deep into your feelings and let the tears flow.
You’ve probably heard people telling you to stop crying and think positively, but is that really healthy? I do not think so. I think a good stress reliever cry works great at removing some of those desperate feelings. It’s worth a try.
- Acknowledge your feelings
When you feel hopeless, it doesn’t come out of nowhere. There’s something in your life that makes you feel empty like this. Maybe you haven’t been happy in the relationship, or maybe you’ve suddenly experienced empty nest syndrome.
There’s a reason you feel hopeless, and unless you acknowledge it, you won’t feel better. This is because what makes you feel hopeless could be multiple situations. You have to find each issue, label it, and examine what it means. Then you can move on.
- Watch the good stuff
Even in the darkest night, there is a small light that leaves a mark. It can illuminate more than seems possible. With this in me, the feeling of despair doesn’t have to take over your entire existence. I promise you that even in the worst of circumstances, there is something good to be found.
Do you want to know what to do when you feel hopeless? Take a look around and see the little things, the beautiful things that also make up a piece of the puzzle called life. If you can see the good, you can have hope.
- Share with others
To ward off despair, you can share the hopes and dreams you still have. Although you may be suffering from depression, just a moment of thinking about your true goals in life can reveal dreams that are not dead.
Believe me, no matter how low you have gotten, there is still something buried that can brighten your life. You need a good friend or trusted family member to talk about these things. Share the goodness that still exists with others who can support you on your way out of the darkness.
- Remember past success
In the past, there were desperate moments, desperate days, and even long periods of despair. guess what? I survived them all. When you’re not sure what to do when you’re feeling desperate right now, you can think back to all the times you’ve felt this way before.
Have you given up? No. So, with that in mind, take that strength from within and use it against the negative emotions you’re dealing with, and maybe you can change them back. In fact, I know you can.
There is hope for the hopeless
Before you give up and accept anything, reclaim your strength, dignity, integrity, and faith. You know that as before, you can overcome despair. Once again, you can find that great purpose in life that you saw and felt before. It happened to me, and I found the solution. I know you can conquer too.
I hope these tips help you get back on your feet and know what to do when you feel hopeless. You’ve done it before, and you can do it again! Although there may be many bad times, you should never forget your record of success.