What Temperament Psychology Reveals about Your Personality

The psychology of temperament is one of the oldest ways to explain human behavior.
Refers to the ancient Greek theory of humour. Each person contains four bodily fluids (humours) in varying proportions. Each humor represents a different mood. It is this humor that gives us a basis for mood psychology:

Blood – sanguine
phlegm – phlegm
Yellow bile – choleric
black bile – melancholy;
To understand these moods and humor in basic terms:

The sanguine and the choleric can be described as “extroverted personalities”.
Phlegmatic and melancholy can be described as “introverted personalities.”
So what exactly are the four types of mood psychology?

Sanguine temperature psychology type
It represents childhood, spring and air

Main features:
Reckless, hasty, talkative
Curious, energetic and sociable
Fun, optimistic, risk-taker
He prefers groups, makes friends easily, and is an extrovert
Gets bored easily, hates monotony, welcomes change
Changeable mood, has ups and downs
The sanguine temperamental personality type is known as the “talker”.
They are usually outgoing, enthusiastic, and have a wide circle of friends. Like children at heart, they have an innocent curiosity about them. They do not mind a frank discussion. They will often have deep and meaningful conversations with their nearest and dearest. Awkwardness does not bother them.

You will find them living a luxurious life. It is because these types love the finer things in life. Be it expensive cars, the best hotels or designer clothes. Although decisive and outgoing, Sanguines prefer to follow a group rather than lead it. They are also very creative. This can be in any form, be it art, poetry, music, writing, filmmaking, theater, or business.

friends and family

They love to be the center of attention and will have a lot of friends. They’ll be the ones in the middle of the party, and they’ll hold court with a crowd around them laughing. This kind of personality is gentle and warm-hearted. People are drawn to optimists. They are just like magnets. They prefer a wide circle of friends, rather than just one or two best friends.

Love and partners

Optimists love anything that has to do with the senses. As such, they will want to take you to the best restaurants, see quirky artists, and go to unusual music acts. In other words, fully experience life. This is why, when it comes to dating and partners, they are better off with other Sanguines who can share their passion.

Negative traits

Optimists do not attach much importance to punctuality. Always, optimists are always late. Since they are such an impulsive type, they can be prone to addiction. For example, gambling, smoking, drugs or alcohol.

Optimists find boredom unbearable, so they inevitably seek excitement or behaviors that satisfy them. This is another way that makes them vulnerable to addiction. Optimists love to have fun, but they forget that they have responsibilities. Their feelings and desires come before duty or obligations.

Type of temperature psychology
It represents deprivation, autumn and water

Main features:
Cool, calm and collected
Shy, reserved, distant
Deliberate, balanced, unpretentious
Sympathetic, kind, satisfied with life
Easy, creative, relaxed
Slow, assertive, overly cautious, hates change
The phlegmatic type of temperament is known as the “observer.”
Usually reserved and calm, these men are in no hurry. In fact, when I say guys, this character of temperament is almost always female. And quiet and peaceful at that. Quite the opposite of our optimist friends in reality.

The Bulgarian type can be described as harmless and adaptable. They are good at seeing the bigger picture. However, despite the fact that they avoid conflict, you will often find them mediating and getting people to make concessions. They will use their clever wits to defuse an embarrassing situation.

friends and family

This personality type has a lot of friends and stays close to their families. Touchy and affectionate, you could call them “people people”. They strive for peace and unity. They want everything to be stable. As such, they will do everything they can to get people to cooperate in order to make it happen.

Bulgarian types are knowledge seekers. They, like our sanguine friends, have a thirst for and curiosity about the world. However, the Bulgarian species uses her knowledge as a way to help others. For example, training to become a doctor or therapist or working in social services.

Love and partners

Bulgarians take dating very seriously. They are looking for “The One”. Therefore, you will never find them in the speed dating arena. For them, dating means a long-term commitment and then marriage. Once these species give themselves to the other they form a deep and intimate bond. As a result, they need a partner who feels the same way.

Negative traits

Phlegmatists are famous for doing good things. However, they can become imprudent and self-righteous. They hate conflict so much that this can lead to some passive aggressive behaviour. This involves refusing to change or remaining uninvolved.

Type choleric temperature psychology
Represents Al-Manhoud, summer and fire

Main features:
Bold, lead, composed
Argumentative, persuasive, forward
Assertive, aggressive, enthusiastic
Self-reliance, impulsiveness, perseverance
Ambitious, narcissistic, controlling
Sensitive, deceitful, independent
The choleric temperament is known as the “doer”.
Think of your archetype as the alpha-male. This sums up Choleric very well. These types are the leaders and strongest of all types of temperamental psychologists. These are hardworking individuals who are known to persevere until they reach their goals.

They are focused, impulsive, and insensitive to other people’s feelings. They want results and don’t care if some people get hurt along the way.

Strong-willed and assertive, the choleric personality exudes confidence. They are usually men and will take on demanding roles. They can be very charismatic and you will definitely feel safe in their company.

friends and family

On a personal note, this type does not have many friends, although they could use a few now and then. They need to drop a peg or two. The problem is that cholerics can’t make small talk. They find it tedious, boring, and unnecessary to get the job done, and that’s all they care about.

They have one or two very close friends with whom they enjoy deep, meaningful conversations. But these relationships took a long time to blossom. This is because your typical Choleric is a skeptic by nature.

Love and partners

Choleric addicts approach dating and love in the same way as most of the rest of their lives, in a practical and goal-oriented way. They will look for a suitable partner who will fit their needs. Then they will date (interview) them to see if they are a good match.

They want someone who has the same interests as them. However, although they are completely inexpressive, they will still be looking for a partner. As a result, the Bulgarian type is a good match for them.

Negative traits

Choleric can be domineering and domineering. They are not particularly sensitive to other people’s feelings. They don’t work well especially if they are affiliated. They must be responsible, otherwise they will clash with authority.

They can also be subject to dark mood swings. They are prone to depression, which can be deep and prolonged.

Type of temperature psychology
It represents age, winter and earth

Main features:
Introverted, disapproving, shy
Low self-esteem, lonely, moody
Sensitive, restless, easily upset
Modest, shy and detached
Reserved, easily depressed and indecisive
Creative, analytical, deep thinkers
The melancholic mood is known as the “thinker”.
This is a thoughtful soul that analyzes details and worries about the smallest of things. They won’t be the ones to start a conversation, they’re just too shy. They don’t have a lot of self-confidence, so they prefer work and solitude, most of the time.

They tend to separate themselves from the rest of society. They are seen as loners, but this is how they like to live their lives. They will take their time if they have to make a decision. In some cases, they may be too much. This is a very creative type. As such, you will often find them working on solitary activities such as art, writing, music, or theatre.

friends and family

As for friends, the blues are completely self-reliant when it comes to this aspect. However, they will have one or two best friends who have known them for a very long time. And once they make friends with you, chances are you will be friends for life.

As the name implies, melancholic types are prone, more than other temperamental personalities, to bouts of depression. They are very empathetic, which means they feel the suffering of others very keenly.

Love and partners

Melancholia are also pragmatic about dating. On the other hand, they are more traditional and down-to-earth when it comes to choosing a partner. This type will settle for friendship over passion every day of the week.

They know that if a relationship is to have any chance of survival, you have to be best friends with your partner. Passion dies, and friendship can last.

Negative traits

Grieving can be quite judgmental. They hate self-promotion eg. You will never find them “blowing their own horn”. In fact, they find others extremely unsavory. They are also terrible hypochondriacs. The slightest soreness or pain and the game ends.