This is probably something you’ve been wanting for a while, right? What makes this peace impossible?
The Narcissist!
There is no greater pleasure than silencing a narcissist. When you’ve spent weeks, months—even years—putting up with their noise, you know you’re ready to take firm action.
The desire to silence a narcissist can go from a distant dream to a reality, but you need to know what not to do in the process.
Trust me when I say that a narcissist will look for any reason to corner you, so how can you avoid falling into their trap?
Don’t Fight for Your Innocence
You know you’re innocent, but they won’t see it. All they care about is saving face, so if you’re trying to shut them up, they’re going to want to see your reaction.
This gives them permission to point at you and say, “See? I told you they were crazy!”
You’re not crazy—so don’t fight for what you already have. What you really want is for people to believe you, but over time, that need diminishes more and more as it’s replaced by the need for pure peace.
Don’t Match Their Childish Approach
They yell.
You yell.
They stomp.
You stomp.
What’s happening?
No one takes either of you seriously. The best way to avoid this when trying to shut a narcissist up is to remember that you don’t have to match their childish approach in your conversation.
Related : The Disturbing Reason Why Narcissists Love Playing the Victim
They can laugh and joke all they want, and they can even make you a subject – but should you bite them and tell them how unfair they are?
You don’t have to.
It’s much more effective to pity them from afar and make them realize that you feel sorry for them. They only get attention when they put others down – that’s a sad, almost pathetic way to live.
Should you just justify yourself to a narcissist?
They’re just attacking you until you respond and defend yourself. They love to see you squirm and almost use your protests as a way to show others how you squirm your way out of a tough time.
You don’t have to tell anyone anything.
Shut this narcissist up now by maintaining your dignity and silence. If these people are your true friends or support systems, they won’t enjoy the bait and switch that narcissist on.
Never Expect Them to Admit Their Mistakes
Silencing narcissists may seem like you’re trying to get them to admit their mistakes or wrongdoings.
You may try to blame them for something they did, but they won’t want to admit anything.
Expect a narcissist to never admit their mistakes if you get into a conflict with one of them. If you are in a situation where you need to silence someone, do so knowing that you will never make them go along with what they did wrong.
Raising their hand is not a game they want to play, because they know they will lose.
Don’t Suck Their Energy
Not all energy is good, and a narcissist’s energy is no different. If you are trying to silence someone with these toxic traits, you will get nowhere if you allow their responsive energy to drown you out.
This energy will be powerful. It will tear you down, make you doubt yourself, and make you question your feelings.
The attention a narcissist craves when they try to silence you is nothing compared to anything you have to offer them until you are ready to give more.
You can do this by keeping your energy supply healthy, and making sure none of it is wasted.
Don’t Take It Personal
Personalizing the way narcissists treat you is a dangerous game—for you, not for them. They easily infiltrate your conscience and will stay there to make sure you feel every bit as bad as they want you to feel.
They want you to feel guilty for trying to shut them up. They want everyone to know how much control you have, and they will never stop pushing their agenda on anyone who will listen to build an army of supporters.
Shut them down anyway, and don’t take any of their tactics personally. Remember, it’s about them, not you.
Without you, they won’t get any supplies. It’s like a car running on empty—it won’t get very far.
You need fuel for yourself.
The worst word you can use when trying to silence a narcissist is the word “sorry.”
“I’m sorry, but…”
This simply doesn’t work. Why? Silencing a narcissist has to have some power behind it, otherwise it’s just empty words or gestures.
Related : 5 Reasons Why Narcissists Call You A Narcissist
To get to the point where you feel like you need to silence anyone, you have to own up to your decision.
This rarely comes with apologies, but rather by holding your head up high and insisting to yourself that you’re doing the right thing, and that you deserve some kind of justice.
This is the key to remember when putting yourself in the line of fire (which happens every time you try to silence a narcissist), and that no matter how hard you try to prove that you’re right, they’ll punish you even more by smearing your name.
Trying to outsmart them with war or words will fail miserably. They know exactly how to manipulate every situation to make you look worse.
Walk away with your dignity intact.
Boundaries work!
Stick to what you know and believe is right, but never feel the need to express it all at once. You won’t get anywhere, but what you know in your heart matters.
Know when to walk away before the fireworks start because the narcissist will be the one lighting the fuse and pointing the finger at you as the guilty party. You can avoid this by asserting boundaries, and knowing when enough is enough.
Trust yourself. The narcissist doesn’t care about you, and they want to see you fall flat on your face. They can be silenced with a strong mind and the will to not have to have the last word.
Understand that your self-esteem is low, and you may think you don’t have what it takes to win, but you can win. Silence is like water to a narcissist’s fire.
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