What Kind of Person is Besties With a Narcissist?

Narcissistic individuals often form complex relationships, including close friendships, with others. This article explores the dynamics of being best friends with a narcissist and the characteristics of the people who are drawn to such relationships.


  • Introduce the topic of friendships with narcissists and the complexities involved.

The Allure of Narcissists:

  • Discuss the charisma and charm that narcissists often display, drawing people towards them.
  • Explain how narcissists can be engaging and captivating initially.

Characteristics of Those Who Befriend Narcissists:

  • Describe the traits and characteristics that might make someone more likely to become best friends with a narcissist.
  • Discuss the role of empathy, kindness, and low self-esteem in these dynamics.

Patterns of Interaction:

  • Explore the dynamics within the friendship, including the give-and-take, manipulation, and power imbalances.
  • Highlight how narcissists can be demanding, and their friends often end up accommodating their needs.

Related : The Narcissist as a “Criminal”

The Emotional Toll:

  • Discuss the emotional toll of being best friends with a narcissist, including feelings of frustration, inadequacy, and exhaustion.
  • Address the potential for the friendship to be one-sided and emotionally draining.

Strategies for Navigating a Friendship with a Narcissist:

  • Offer advice for individuals who find themselves in such friendships, including setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and seeking support.


  • Summarize the complexities of being best friends with a narcissist.
  • Encourage self-awareness and healthy boundaries for those navigating such relationships.

This article explores the intricate dynamics of friendships with narcissists, shedding light on why some individuals may be drawn to these relationships and the challenges they face in maintaining them. It also offers guidance for those dealing with such friendships, emphasizing the importance of self-care and boundaries.