What Does The Narcissist Feel About “No Contact”?

Q: I have been out of touch with the narcissist for 11 weeks. Before that I was in touch with him sporadically. But it was hurting me a lot.

I was wondering, how does the narcissist feel about this “no contact”? I think he is so angry about it that there will be no contact anymore.

I probably shouldn’t be asking this question, but it is a form of revenge when he feels this way. Thank you

A: No contact is for the safety and well-being of the narcissist’s victim.

It gives the victim time to heal and regain a sense of reality that was lost while under the influence of the narcissist. Different narcissists react differently.

Some respond with extreme anger and will use any means possible to get revenge on the person if they cannot convince them to renew contact.

Others will try to “win” this battle for a short time but quickly move on to someone easier to get supply from.

Others will walk away and you will never hear from them again.

They simply move on to another prey. As for your question about how narcissists feel… if you are asking if they will feel hurt and betrayed the way you did, the answer is no.

They will feel frustrated and angry about not winning and not getting supplies.

Remember, any attention – good or bad – is supplies to them and they will keep coming back even if you give them negative attention. Not connecting keeps them from getting any supplies.

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