Have you left your life in tatters and turmoil after getting involved with a suspected narcissist? Do you wish you could learn how to make a narcissist fear you? If so, it’s natural to wonder how you can level the tables somewhat and get the narcissist out of your life. Fortunately, it’s not as difficult as you first think. So, what do narcissists hate so much? Learn how to make a narcissist leave you alone and never come back.
Being questioned
We return to the famous saying: the truth does not mind being questioned, but lying does. You may only ask the narcissist something simple, like whether or not he remembers an important date, but it doesn’t matter. In the narcissist’s mind, you are questioning their authority, which is unacceptable. How dare you challenge them! As a result, the false self’s ego feels wounded.
Expect to be met with defense mechanisms, stonewalling, outright lies, or anger. The narcissist will use every psychological tactic in his book to convince you to back off. Questioning you is high on the list of things a narcissist hates, and always will be.
It is said no
How do you make a narcissist fear you? Like a spoiled toddler, narcissists often get used to getting their way, primarily when people let them. Many of the manipulation tactics used by narcissists are so subtly used that you don’t even realize what’s happening.
When someone comes along, shows the narcissist some boundaries, and tells him that he can’t do or say something, the narcissist feels insulted. With the strong sense of entitlement threatened by the narcissist, they will begin to unravel. These negative feelings are considered annihilation for individuals who suffer from this personality disorder, as they do not have solid foundations to rely on. So, what makes a narcissist panic? Fear of not achieving what they want, regardless of the consequences.
Another person in the spotlight
One of the most obvious oddities on the list of narcissists’ dislikes is that individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder cannot stand anyone, or anything, receiving more attention than them. Of course, it is part of a narcissist’s prayer that they will never admit this fact.
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Whether the person in the spotlight is of the opposite sex, of a different age, or not a competitor, the narcissist deeply resents anyone who denies him undivided attention. Often, even pets pose a threat to the narcissist’s false sense of omnipresence. Many of the items on the What Makes Narcissistic Panic List seem completely ridiculous to most people, but nothing is over the top. Narcissists live very scary lives; Despite the happy mask they show to the world.
Seeing others happy
Honestly, we all go through hard times when being surrounded by happy people only exacerbates our misery. However, seeing anyone carefree at any time feels like a personal attack on the narcissist. Narcissists want to feel happy for themselves and resent others who can feel positive emotions that they cannot experience. As far as individuals with this personality disorder are concerned, if they don’t get the benefits of something, why would anyone else?
Narcissists are not happy people. Since they lack a basic identity, self-love is impossible for them. That warm feeling of contentment? Narcissists never experience this state of being. So, it doesn’t matter if the happy person is likable, the only emotion the narcissist will experience in response is envy.
Low narcissistic supply
Narcissists need and use other people for their existence. The narcissist relies on others to reflect an idealized image of his false self to function daily.
So, what do narcissists hate? Absence of people who trust themselves and provide good feedback. Left to their own devices, narcissists are dangerously weak and helpless individuals. People are largely the narcissist’s source of oxygen.
Expressing emotions
Oh, what do narcissists hate? Emotions. You may have noticed that when someone is vulnerable or expressing their emotions, the narcissist seems uncomfortable. They may be eager to change the subject as soon as possible and move on to more mundane topics.
Narcissists view emotion as a sign of weakness, and through their attachment to the person expressing that emotion, they consider the weakness to reflect poorly on them. Do narcissists cry? However, sometimes, you can be sure that the tears are just for themselves. Many individuals with this personality disorder may pretend to cry, especially if they feel they are not receiving the attention or sympathy they desire. If you’ve ever seen this, you’ll know it’s scary to see.
Narcissists use cold cognitive empathy to pretend to care about others’ feelings. Unlike neurotypicals, narcissists do not emotionally put themselves in another person’s shoes. Typically, a narcissist is only curious about another person being in danger when they spot an opportunity for manipulation. It’s easier to take advantage of people when their defenses are down.
Finally, on the topic of what narcissists hate, we have consequences. Because narcissists can’t see and frankly don’t care where they go wrong, they fail to understand why anyone else should hold them accountable. According to the narcissists’ prayers, this did not happen; If that happened, it wasn’t their fault.
Unfortunately, the narcissist’s behavior often causes devastating consequences for those who get in his way. However, for the narcissist to admit fault and apologize for his mistakes, he must realize that he is not perfect. Coming to this realization is pretty much on the list of what triggers a narcissistic panic.
The false self will not allow this recognition, because it may trigger feelings of shame for the true self, which is very dangerous for the active narcissist. The narcissist spends his life psychologically fleeing from the truth. Although they would never admit this to you or anyone else, they are all painfully aware of it deep down.
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