In every family, there is always a child who gets it. The child who sees the narcissist for who he really is beneath his outward charm and pretense.
Trust me when I say that the truth teller is swimming in dangerous waters – but even as a child, he can be very innocent in his truth.
No, I think my father is angry for no reason at all.
Whenever my mother has a bad day at work, she comes home and takes her anger out on us.
How pure, isn’t that?
What a truth!
But what does the narcissist do when the truth tellers start shaking the foundations of their ego by speaking up and telling it like it is?
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Let’s take a look and find out.
NarcissisticHateLeaks – No Matter How Old The Truth Teller
Whether you are eight or eighty, the truth teller is the truth teller. From an early age, the truth teller has learned to spot the patterns that narcissists like to follow to gain support and put people in the right place in their massive game of tug of war.
The truth teller? Well, they come and watch the rope and say, “Hey, that doesn’t seem fair to me.”
The narcissist’s smile will disappear, and he will feel like the light of truth is shining on him.
The light of truth is not the kind of light they enjoy
Narcissists love the spotlight, but if you shine the light of truth on them, they will feel bad and like you’ve got them all figured out.
The younger the truth teller is, the more embarrassed and angry he will feel because he knows he can’t be touched by his manipulation from that moment on.
The hatred is real.
The feelings of shame rise above the narcissist’s boiling point, and anger—along with hatred—will soon follow.
The person who tells the truth usually grows up to become the family scapegoat, or what some people might call the “black sheep.”
The scapegoat sees through family dynamics very quickly, and understands what is going wrong, who is causing it, and why. Basically, what they see, even if they don’t know what the word means yet, is the common denominator, so who is most likely to be at the center of all the problems?
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You got it – the narcissist!
The truth teller will see everything without knowing any of its meaning.
Trauma association.
The truth teller never misses a beat!
Waits and waits to come out because they can’t stand living inside without a choice.
It’s also common knowledge that truth tellers want to escape.
Narcissists usually learn quickly to silence the truth teller, especially in the early years. They don’t want a disaster on their hands – all they want is glory and positive attention.
Now, don’t get me wrong here. Silence does not mean that the truth teller suddenly says, “You know what? I’m sorry. Go on and on, and I’ll start playing the game instead to please you.”
He who tells the truth once, will always tell the truth!
Forcibly Isolated
The narcissist will not have that, so he will find ways to isolate the truth teller. As they get older, they will not be invited to
Flying Monkeys Hello!
Narcissists will “hire” flying monkeys to do their dirty work for them. With truth tellers, this can sound like:
You’re not respecting the narcissist with what you’re saying!
You’re biting the hand that feeds you.
You’re not showing gratitude to the person who raised you or did all this for you.
Why do so many lies about narcissists spread?
The flying monkeys want truth tellers to stop, but they lack the ability to see what’s really going on.
Narcissists Know Who’s Telling the Truth
Truth tellers are like magicians. They have this innate ability to get inside the heart of a narcissist and see everything that’s going on. It’s a real talent, but it doesn’t come without its own problems for the truth teller.
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Narcissists become very talented at spotting who’s telling the truth, and from there, they know they have to get rid of you fairly early because they know they can’t do anything to you. You are like extra baggage that they don’t need to deal with, but that’s only because deep down they are afraid of what you might say or do.
The Anxiety I’m Drawing From – It’s Intentionally Reinforced
Some truth tellers grow up to be extremely anxious individuals. This stems from having to witness so many inconsistent emotional and behavioral patterns from narcissists. One minute everything is fine, the next minute it’s not.
The truth teller quickly realizes that they are not living in a safe and secure environment, and anxiety becomes the dominant result, often worsening in adult life.
Narcissists know what they are doing. Can you imagine how awful it would be for someone to focus on their child’s vulnerabilities and exploit them in order to make them more and more acute?
Only narcissists are capable of doing this without a conscience, but they do it anyway.
This may seem like the narcissist is pushing the boundaries of the truth teller, using forms of silent treatment and love bombing to activate the anxiety within them.
AllOrNothing – Loss
In some ways – one of two things can happen as well.
The first is that the narcissist will push the isolated truth teller away enough that they simply want to get out of the family dynamic. In adult life this might look like moving to a place where no one knows them and they can make a fresh start away from the narcissist.
The second reason is that they are distancing the entire family from the truth teller, and really putting them in a place where no one has much contact with them, or at all, so that isolation really raises the bar for punishment for the truth teller – the person who is saying so much about the narcissist in the first place.
Contempt vs. Fear
A narcissist will treat truth tellers with a mixture of contempt and fear. A narcissist is only smart when it comes to manipulation and other narcissistic tendencies. However, the intelligence of truth tellers and their ability to see through everything is not acceptable to a narcissist.
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This creates fear. The feeling that the narcissist is always one step away from being discovered by the masses.
This is something they can do without, because it puts a loophole in the narcissist’s every day.
Truth tellers can be found in the dynamics of all people, but using family dynamics to describe them is the easiest way to see where they come from and how they move through life, and to spot the narcissist in every chapter of life.