Did you choose to let go of your twin flame? Then you must know how incredibly painful it can be to break away from a twin flame, but there are ways you can make the process of ending twin flame relationships easier. Read the following article to learn more about double flame separation.
For many twin flames currently on Earth, the transformation over the past few years has hurt our relationship and we need to move away and end the entanglement. What do you expect and do if you find yourself in this situation?
When I first came across information about twin flames, I read a piece that went along the lines of, When a twin flame is born, they spend their entire lives knowing and feeling that something is missing, but they never know what that something is – until the day they meet their twin flame.
That day, at that moment, they know what was missing and feel complete, and they can never again walk away from their twin flame without feeling and knowing that loss deeply.
Read : Soulmate vs Twin Flame: What’s The Difference Between The Two?
I never imagined how painful this loss would be, nor was I prepared for it the day I walked away from my twin flame.
Twin relationship ending: How do you feel?
If you’re a twin flame, your life is likely to have spiritual aspects, trials, and challenges in it—so you’re no stranger to pain. neither am I.
However, I wasn’t quite prepared for how moving away from my twin flame relationship would affect me. For a start, the feeling that I am moving towards something and someone important has gone. It almost seems like nothing exciting is coming or can happen to me with love. Somehow, I’ve lost hope in love. This has never happened before.
Secondly, I feel strangely perfect. It feels weird to me because I’ve never had a relationship that felt like it met my needs. However, after that, I feel complete, since no one can add anything more by being in a romantic relationship with me, and there is no point in even trying. For the first time in my life, I honestly believe I don’t want a relationship. This is new, because a relationship like you has always been my number one prize.
Read : What Is The Difference Between Soulmate And Twin Flame Love At First Sight?
Next love lesson: What happens when you walk away from your twin flame?
It was the thought of feeling whole that eventually led me to realize the next lesson of love, after the twin flame and the loss of the twin flame.
The universe and teachers always say it – there is always another lesson, and there is always more to learn but on an earth level? What more can we learn about love from a complete twin flame relationship?
At its core, a twin flame relationship is self-love and acceptance—the highest fulfillment we know of. You love a whole other side of your soul, yourself. So what could come next?
Well, the answer is messianic love: the ability to love anyone comes after ending double relationships.
Of course, this does not mean that you will find someone you want to love or someone who can handle the intensity of your focus and your love, but the love that will begin to emerge within you after you finally begin to heal from your presence. Soul shattering is a deep love for any person, the ability to express it consciously and at will.
This is a nice way of saying that you should choose to love the next person with the next love lesson. The intense rush to fall in love is likely behind you. This experience will change you forever, and like many lessons, it won’t always feel great and great at first.
Read : 14 Important Lessons You Learn When Your Soulmate Becomes Another Ex
Ending a Twin Flame Relationship: Why Does It Happen?
If twin flames are such a perfect match and the love and energy they create are so important, why do so many of these relationships end?
When a twin flame is created, each of the twins carries two halves of duals, like a yin and yang. Each one is mostly one way, with a little touch of the opposite characteristic, and balance each other out by coexisting. The same thing happens when they meet on a planetary level and have a relationship – they come together to balance the dualities in each other.
Sometimes these dualities are extremes. In many cases, it is also compounded by karma, and the lessons tend to become more difficult with each subsequent round and each life span.
Many twin flames, are struggling with huge gaps and disconnects in their personalities and what they want and need to make the relationship work (twos) this is exacerbated by the fact that the universe gave a very hard lesson because this is the 6th or 7th life you guys are working on this stuff.
Add to all the energetic mayhem we’ve been through with the shift and downtime energy of things, and it’s no surprise that several twin flame relationships falter under the pressure.
Read : The 4 Types Of Soulmates You Come Across In Life
Ending a Twin Relationship: How to Make It Easier on Yourself?
I had two strong pieces of evidence that my relationship was that of a twin flame: First, in any session that was conducted on the two of us, the session would not take us as one being, but rather treat us as a couple.
Second, since the day we met, we’ve actively thrown each other out of sync. If with work, I was disappointed. If you were sick and got better, then he got sick right away. And there were a million other similar examples that I am sure you recognize from your own experience.
This led me to the following realization: If I kept throwing us out of sync by actively working on one of us at a time, maybe our way to fix would be to work on both of us at the same time.
This led to a series of BodyTalk sessions conducted on the couple where we balanced the key energies (workflow, money, success, commitment, focus, vitality, and luck) across the relationship and the couple. We started to see improvement after that.
This has also led to a morning ritual where I connect with my twin flame strongly and balance the energies between us each morning. Additionally, in any work I do of forgiveness and release, I am involved. So when I ask for peace and forgiveness, I ask that he be chosen for him as well.
You’ve tried holding back or trying to hold back anger, but how do you block your spirit? This only causes pain and seriously messes with your focus. If I am fighting with him, what helps is strengthening any ropes, bonds, and connections with him, and then the energy of forgiveness flows through that ceaselessly.
At the end of the day, this is just one life span amid the many, many lifetimes that you will share. You cannot hate yourself and you cannot withhold forgiveness from yourself forever.
Ending a double-flame relationship will hurt like a bitch, but the tips above will make it easier to manage, faster to recover from and help you get through the worst of the pain so you can find space to express your love again. You deserve that little bit of happiness — and so do you, your twin flame.