Vulturing: Beware Of This Latest Toxic Dating Trend!

In the world of dating, there are more online trends than you can swipe through in a day. The new one on the block is called Eagle Dating. Let’s find out what it means in a relationship.

#So, what is eagle dating?

Among modern dating slang terms, this word is called “eagle”. Similar to the predatory bird after which it is named, the eagle entails someone circling people who are about to end their relationship.

They wait until they can pounce with malicious intent on damaged hearts – sometimes as soon as possible after their ex has released them and they have become emotionally vulnerable.

According to a December 2018 survey, 20% of single people, and those in their early 20s, are most likely to engage in behaviors that exploit others.

Waiting for the right moment to attack someone’s mind is not only rude, it’s also dangerous. Although we are not referring to people who stay with us through thick and thin during a breakup, this person is not good.

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This person is so self-absorbed that he is willing to hurt us emotionally and mentally.

The meaning of the eagle in relationships – take a look at the signs

It may be difficult to spot an eagle at first, but here are some key signs…

1. They are always there

If someone suddenly shows up when your relationship has gone through a shock, it’s suspicious. Eagles have a sixth sense when people become vulnerable, and they will take advantage of the situation as quickly as possible.

2. They are overly supportive

It’s good to have someone to comfort you, but be careful if they seem too keen to play your friend. Sometimes Eagles use this as an excuse to get closer and pursue romance.

3. They move quickly

Eagles don’t mess around. Once they think you’re interested, they’ll try to speed up the process by showering you with affection or pressuring you to commit before you’re ready.

4. They are opportunists

If someone seems more interested in using you as an opportunity than actually getting closer to you, listen to that feeling. The Eagles just want quick solutions; They won’t help build something real.

5. They don’t care about your feelings

Ultimately, eagles only care about themselves. They may act like they understand what you’re going through or sympathize with your pain — but actions speak louder than words.

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In the end, flash dating is just manipulation. It takes advantage of already emotionally vulnerable people without giving any second thoughts about what might happen.

If this sounds like something that’s happening to you right now, take a step back and trust your gut. You should not allow people like this to get anywhere near you because you deserve so much better than someone who just wants to take what they can get!