Victim Of A Narcissist: 7 Characteristics That Can Make You More Susceptible To Narcissistic Abuse

Have you ever been a victim of a narcissist? If your answer is yes, then you know how painful it really is, and how bad they treat others.

Narcissists have trouble discovering the importance of others as much as they do to themselves. Their entire world revolves around them and they truly believe they are the center of the world for others too.

They have no empathy for others. They cannot consider other people’s needs, let alone satisfy them.

They are takers, who only believe in using others to get what they want. A relationship with a narcissist is very draining, as they are only demanding, never returning the favor.

They are also adept at manipulating others, and they do so with gusto. They know what buttons to press to get what they want. And the worst thing is that they don’t hesitate to do it even if they know it will harm the other person.

Related: Why Do Narcissists Ruin Special Occasions?

Their only motive in life is to satisfy their own desires and anyone who is sacrificed for their desires is just a guarantee.

To do this they choose their victims very carefully. It is not just any random person that they focus on to fulfill their desires. They know what kind of person it would be easier to manipulate and to what extent. They know all this very well because they’ve done it their whole lives.

Here is the comprehensive checklist they refer to while looking for the next person they can make use of. Read on to learn more about the symptoms of being a victim of a narcissist and let us know if you can relate to them.

7 Traits that make you a major victim of a narcissist

1 Someone who is emotionally vulnerable.

First and foremost they are looking for someone who is emotionally vulnerable. They know it’s easier to feed someone who feels lacking in some way. It’s easier to manipulate someone who willingly invests in you emotionally.

They will act as if they can fill the void that person feels. They will make the person emotionally dependent on them so they know it is not going anywhere. And after being given that false sense of security, they will be safe to do as they please.

2 Someone who is looking for superficial expressions of love.

They are looking for people who have superficial expressions of love. Those who are looking for their Prince Charming because their idea of what love means is too dependent on what the popular media presents us with.

True love is rare, if it exists, as bright and shiny as it appears in movies and books. But those who cannot look beyond these things become easy targets for the abuser to exploit and end up as victims of a narcissist. Because for them, it is easier to repeat these misconceptions.

They can easily pretend to be anything on screen because they are simply pretending. They don’t care what love really means. And so they’ll make the grandest gestures to sweep their prey off their feet, just to make sure they’re perfectly ensnared.

Are you more in love with reel life than in real life? Then, it is very likely that you will be a victim of a narcissist.

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3 Someone they can make some money from.

They only focus on people who can get some gains from them. Make no mistake about it; They will never make any knowledge that does not benefit them in one way or another. They actively look for individuals who can benefit from them and then target them.

Anyone who could be useful to them in one way or another would be a potential target. And they don’t shy away from it. In fact, they pride themselves on having the foresight to see which people will be more helpful than the rest.

Being in a relationship with a narcissist is humiliating and traumatic, to say the least.

4 Someone who lets them play the victim card.

Another very important thing they need for everything to work out in their favor is someone who allows them to play the victim card over and over again. Their manipulation will not work on someone who is smart enough to consider their claims. Also, someone who wouldn’t hesitate to talk to them about their bullshit.

Being with a narcissist is like a never ending marathon because you can never really get comfortable. You have to always make yourself available to every whim and fantasy. Clearly, anyone smart enough to see this would not be willing to allow themselves to be played that way.

5 Someone who lacks self-worth.

They thrive on people who lack self-worth. Although not many people want to agree with it, the truth is that many of us are very vulnerable in this regard.

Even if we manage to put on a great show for the rest of the world to see, we feel in the dark recesses of our minds that we’re missing something very important.

Those who don’t think they are enough will do anything to please the person who gives them the slightest encouragement. Then they will do anything and everything to please this person, who seems to give them approval.

They are so hungry for approval that they will do things they might not agree with under various circumstances and end up being a victim of a narcissist.


6 Someone who wants to heal others.

Another type that narcissists target are those who believe they can fix and heal others. There are many people who feel that they are the only ones who can redeem or correct others who have lost their way. Or who believes that only his love can put a person out of his misery.

These people are very easy for narcissists to take advantage of. Because in front of these people, they can be their worst selves and it will motivate these people, even more, to try to “save” them.

7 Someone who trusts a lot and has weak boundaries.

Being a victim of a narcissist means that your naive nature and lack of proper boundaries will be exploited again and again.

They can easily use people they trust too much. The gullible and gullible are the ones who will let them in easily, show their most vulnerable spot and give them the key to their exploitation. And narcissists will take advantage of them without a shred of guilt.

They don’t care about these people’s feelings, in their eyes they are just fools who deserve whatever is done to them. If you have weak boundaries, you are the narcissist’s first victim.

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The world is not as good as we would like it to be. There are people who will even throw their loved ones under the bus as long as it serves their selfish purposes. Don’t trust anyone blindly and look out for signs that might indicate if someone is a narcissist.