Venus Is All Action This Week, Astrologers Say—Here’s Your Horoscope

This could be a big week for relationships as Venus squares off with Uranus, then “reborn” as the Morning Star. Here’s your horoscope.

Tuesday’s Quarter Moon in Taurus gives you a balanced perspective

Time to focus! Tuesday’s Quarter Moon in Taurus brings you back to your priorities and principles, reminding us that some things just aren’t worth your energy.

Organize your essentials, clear out unnecessary clutter, and cut back on any unnecessary expenses. If your minimalist approach is starting to feel stagnant, you can reintroduce luxuries one by one, or on a more affordable scale.

Taurus is a fun-loving sign—but a practical one! This resource-conscious moon can inspire you to organize a clothing swap, shop your closet, or upcycle items that simply need a fashion makeover.

EmbraceTheSpace During Wednesday’s Venus-Uranus Square

Feeling suffocated isn’t sexy, and when you can’t get a minute to yourself, single life starts to feel too glamorous. Freedom-loving Uranus squares off against lovable retrograde Venus on Wednesday, blurring the lines between personal space and close relationships.

Even if you’re obsessed with your partner, too much love and affection can be stifling. Before you do anything drastic, book a night off to spend alone. You might come back refreshed and ready to hook up again.

Are you single? Take a break from the apps if you’re feeling down. You might have an opportunity for a no-holds-barred summer adventure today.

Love is waking up! Venus reborn as the “morning star” on Sunday, August 13

It’s a big week for love, as the Sun and retrograde Venus move ever closer together in the zodiac. On Sunday, August 13, they’ll land in the same degree as Leo, forming an “inferior conjunction,” an event that occurs only every 584 days, right in the middle of every Venus retrograde.

Like the new moon, this cosmic conjunction can be considered the rebirth of Venus (or “new flower”), the moment when everything goes dark in the sky, and we are left with a completely blank canvas on which to rewrite our love stories.

You might want to make this a ritual. How about creating an altar, complete with photos of your dream romantic scenario or your favorite moments with your partner? Surround it with crystals, pull a card from your favorite divination deck, and let it soak up the sunlight from the brightest window in your home. Or, if you’re holding on to a toxic situation, write that angry letter to the person who made you angry, then burn it ceremonially instead of tossing it in the mailbox.

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