It’s normal to feel unsure and have some trust issues if you’ve just started dating someone. You don’t know your partner well yet, and these feelings of uncertainty are justified.
However, if you are in a long-term relationship and are still experiencing relationship uncertainty, this can be a big problem.
Every romantic relationship should be built on emotional openness and trust.
This means that if you’re with the right person, you should be able to open up to them and they should trust you no matter what – and vice versa.
Uncertainty in a relationship is not healthy or helpful in any way. It is also the main reason why couples decide to end their relationship.
There is no need to panic. The good news is that if you want to make your relationship work, with some effort, you can overcome these issues.
On the other hand, if doing your best to save your uncertainty relationship still doesn’t help, it means you should give it up because it’s not meant to be.
What causes uncertainty in a relationship?
As mentioned earlier, experiencing some doubts in a new relationship is completely normal. We all go through it.
You cannot avoid these feelings of uncertainty in the early stage of a relationship. You need time to get to know your new partner.
However, if you are in a committed relationship, there is no room for any kind of insecurity.
If you decide to commit to your partner, it should be because you love them, trust them with all your heart, and feel comfortable opening up to them about everything.
But sometimes, no matter how much you love someone, those doubts are bigger than you. It seems impossible to beat them.
Before you start dealing with these feelings, you should first try to find out the root cause of them. Here are some possible reasons for uncertain relationships.
- Past relationship issues
Maybe your ex cheated on you. Maybe someone hurt you so badly that it left you in constant fear of heartbreak.
I understand and I am very sorry. You didn’t deserve it. But your partner also doesn’t deserve to be punished for what someone else did to you.
You should take some time alone and think about your past relationship.
You don’t have to forgive your ex for what he did to you, but you do have to leave it in the past if you want to make your new relationship work.
You have to understand that your new partner is not your ex and will not hurt you. Even if they do, it won’t be your fault.
There are still good people in this world. People who want to love someone for no other reason than love. You just have to believe in it.
- Low self-esteem
If you suffer from low self-esteem, this will definitely make you doubt your partner. You don’t value or love yourself enough and it’s hard for you to believe that your partner does.
If you don’t have a healthy self-relationship, you can’t expect to have a relationship with your partner.
The relationship you have with yourself is the foundation of every other relationship in your life. If you don’t work on improving yourself and your self-esteem, you won’t be able to create a healthy relationship with your other half.
- Social media pressure
There are a lot of pressures on couples nowadays from social media. You hear all the time how someone cheated on their partner online.
You can find some inaccurate and misleading articles online about how your partner will lie to you or not love you if he does some of the things you wrote.
You should not believe everything you read or see. There is a lot of misinformation spread on the Internet these days.
You shouldn’t use social media to spy on your partner. If someone likes their photo or leaves a comment under it, don’t be jealous.
Don’t make a fuss about it. Don’t create unnecessary drama. In fact, don’t do anything until you ask your partner about it.
- Fear of trusting people
Some people have been hurt badly in the past and unfortunately, this leaves them with some consequences.
They have a fear of trusting people. They are unable to trust their partner no matter what they do to prove them wrong because they fear the same thing will happen to them again.
They cannot relax and feel comfortable with their partner because they are constantly thinking about how they will end up breaking their hearts again.
- Unrealistic expectations
If you start a new relationship with very high expectations, you will definitely be disappointed.
Don’t set the bar too high. In fact, you shouldn’t expect anything from them until you get to know them well.
- Fear of the unknown
Don’t worry about the future too much. What is meant to be will always find its way. You don’t have to worry about things you can’t influence, and this is one of them.
Sometimes you think that by withdrawing you will save yourself from future heartbreak. However, you may miss out on some great things just because of fear of the unknown.