Two Reasons that Narcissists Discard

Narcissists often discard people in their lives once those individuals no longer serve their needs or feed their ego. The act of discarding is a way for narcissists to maintain control and preserve their inflated sense of superiority. While many factors contribute to this behavior, two primary reasons stand out: the loss of utility and the threat to their ego.

Loss of Utility

Narcissists view relationships through the lens of utility. People are valued for what they can offer, whether it’s admiration, attention, validation, or other tangible benefits. Once a person no longer provides the narcissist with what they need, they are seen as disposable. This loss of utility could occur for various reasons, such as when the narcissist finds someone new who offers more admiration or when the individual they are discarding begins to set boundaries.

For example, a narcissist might discard a romantic partner who starts asserting their independence or refuses to continue feeding the narcissist’s need for constant attention. Similarly, a friend or colleague may be discarded once they stop serving the narcissist’s agenda. In the narcissist’s mind, people are merely tools to enhance their self-worth, and once that utility is lost, the person becomes irrelevant.

This utilitarian approach to relationships makes it easy for narcissists to discard people without feeling remorse. They lack empathy for the person being discarded, viewing the situation purely in terms of what benefits them.

Threat to Ego

Another common reason narcissists discard people is when their ego is threatened. Narcissists thrive on admiration and validation, and any form of criticism, rejection, or challenge to their superiority can cause a deep psychological injury, known as narcissistic injury. When someone questions their behavior, points out their flaws, or fails to offer the admiration they expect, narcissists often react by discarding that person.

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This ego protection mechanism allows them to avoid confronting their vulnerabilities. Instead of dealing with the emotional discomfort of criticism or rejection, they cut ties with the person who challenges them, preserving their fragile self-image. For example, if a romantic partner begins to recognize the narcissist’s manipulative behavior and calls them out, the narcissist may discard them to avoid any accountability.

In this way, discarding becomes a form of self-preservation for narcissists. They will quickly remove anyone from their life who threatens their delusions of grandeur, ensuring that they remain the center of attention and admiration without having to face the reality of their flaws.


Narcissists discard people primarily because of two factors: the loss of utility and the threat to their ego. They view relationships as transactional and will cut off those who no longer serve their needs or challenge their inflated self-image. This lack of empathy and self-serving approach makes it easy for narcissists to discard others, leaving a trail of broken relationships in their wake.

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