Two Guaranteed Things That Will Happen to You if You’re an Authentic Person

In a world where conformity and superficiality often prevail, being authentic can set you apart. Authenticity involves being true to yourself, expressing your true thoughts and feelings, and living according to your values. While this path can be incredibly rewarding, it also comes with its own set of challenges. Here are two guaranteed outcomes you’ll experience if you choose to live authentically.

  1. Deep, meaningful connections
    Authenticity breeds trust and respect
    When you live authentically, you attract people who value you for who you are. This fosters deeper, more meaningful connections because authenticity:

Builds trust: People trust those who are authentic. When you consistently show your true self, others feel like they can count on you, knowing that what they see is what they get.

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Gains respect: Authentic people are often respected for their courage to be themselves, even when it’s not easy. This respect forms a strong foundation for lasting relationships.

Create a Supportive Network

Authentic living helps you build a supportive network of relationships, including:

Authentic friends: Friends who appreciate you for who you are are more likely to stick with you through thick and thin. These friendships are often more fulfilling and lasting.

Compatible partners: In romantic relationships, authenticity paves the way for deeper intimacy and understanding. Being open about who you are allows you to attract a partner who shares your values ​​and accepts you fully.

Professional relationships: In the workplace, being authentic can lead to more meaningful professional relationships. Colleagues and mentors are drawn to people who are dedicated and passionate about their work.

  1. Greater personal fulfillment and growth
    Living in alignment with your values
    When you live an authentic life, you align your actions with your core values ​​and beliefs, which leads to:

Increased fulfillment: Pursuing goals and activities that resonate with your authentic self brings a deeper sense of satisfaction and happiness.

Reduced stress: Pretending to be someone else is exhausting. Authenticity eases this burden, reduces stress, and enhances well-being.

Continuous Personal Growth

Authenticity encourages continuous personal development through:

Self-Discovery: Being authentic involves an ongoing journey of self-discovery. You become more aware of your strengths, weaknesses, passions, and aspirations.

Resilience: Facing and embracing your true self, including your flaws and weaknesses, builds resilience. You become better equipped to handle life’s challenges with grace and strength.

Empowerment: Living authentically gives you the power to take control of your life. You make decisions based on what truly matters to you, leading to a more purposeful and directed life.

Challenges of Authenticity
While the rewards of authenticity are profound, the journey is not without its challenges:

Facing Judgment and Rejection

Not everyone will appreciate or accept your authentic self. You may encounter:

Criticism: Some people may criticize or judge you for not conforming to societal standards or expectations.

Rejection: Being true to yourself can lead to losing relationships with those who prefer the “old” you or who can’t accept your true self.


Authenticity requires vulnerability, which can be challenging:

Emotional Exposure: Being authentic means opening up about your true feelings, which can make you feel exposed and vulnerable.

Fear of Failure: When you’re pursuing your true passions and goals, the stakes seem higher, and the fear of failure can be even more intense.

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Embracing Authenticity: Tips for the Journey
To overcome challenges and fully embrace the benefits of living authentically, consider the following tips:


Regularly reflect on your values, beliefs, and desires. Journaling, meditation, and honest conversations with trusted friends can help with this process.

Set Boundaries

Protect your authenticity by setting clear boundaries with those who may try to undermine your true self.

Seek Support

Surround yourself with supportive, like-minded individuals who encourage and value your authenticity.

Practice Self-Compassion

Be kind to yourself. Understand that the journey to authenticity is ongoing and that it’s okay to make mistakes along the way.


Choosing to live as your authentic self promises you deeper, more meaningful relationships, fulfillment, and greater personal growth. However, it also comes with challenges such as facing judgment and navigating vulnerability. By embracing your authentic self, setting boundaries, and seeking support, you can overcome these obstacles and reap the profound rewards of living authentically. Remember, authenticity is not a destination but an ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth.

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