To All The Women Who Stay In Unhealthy Relationships

If you’ve ever stayed in a relationship when you just wanted to leave, I understand you. I know how it feels to be the only one fighting and keeping you afloat.

I know the feeling you feel when you unconsciously recognize the emptiness inside you because you are busy filling it. But I hope you learn to make yourself a priority.

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You may unconsciously find yourself torn between leaving your relationship or staying in it. No matter how much you want to leave, you feel in your heart that you must stay.

We hope you learn that you can always change your mind and choose what your heart truly desires.

You may keep your hopes high that he will change. You hope he remembers the good he saw in you when he first met you. But I hope you don’t let the past poison who you can become. Hopefully, you realize that he may not learn or change. I hope you learn to let go.

Maybe you have always promised to see the good in every situation instead of ending your relationships. But I hope you know that sometimes the best solution is to end what is not in your best interest.

You may feel completely alone when deciding what to do next in your relationship. But hopefully, you know that you can always go back to where you belong.

I hope you still remember that the people who make you feel warm are your home. We hope you know that you can always ask them for help. Their doors are always open to you.

You may feel like everyone is judging you for your decision to stay. But I hope you keep in mind that other people’s opinions don’t matter.

Remember that you know the truth better than anyone else. Never let an empty mind get you down. Never give them the power to make you doubt yourself.

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You may feel like your chest is going to explode from all the heavy emotions you are feeling. But hopefully, you’ll cry it all out.

I hope you never think about freeing yourself from everything that suffocates you. I hope you can breathe out your feelings.

You may feel like you’re not enough. But hopefully, you can imagine yourself as a happy, strong woman who can pick herself up even when she’s broken.

I hope you remember the woman you promised yourself you would be and never forget that promise. You may feel like you have done nothing but love and understand him to the point that you have lost yourself.

But I hope you realize that unconditional love is never wrong. However, give it chance after chance when you know that the truth is your choice

I hope you also know that you deserve to receive the same pure love that you give. And I hope you see the difference between loving someone for the sake of love alone and staying with them because you don’t want to lose what you have.

Hopefully, you won’t spend the rest of your life trying to fix a relationship that’s already over. I hope you don’t stay. I hope you find a loving relationship to live in because he loves you and cherishes you.

Most of all, I hope you know that you are worthy of love.

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