Three Reasons You Are Attracted To Narcissists

Whether we like to admit it or not, with few exceptions, we choose our partners.

Gravity is a complex, multifaceted, dynamic phenomenon. When we find ourselves drawn to a narcissistic personality over and over again, we may be able to discern why we continue to be drawn to this type of person. Delving into your deepest thoughts and behaviors can reveal why you are drawn to narcissistic personalities, giving you the personal insight needed to make more informed and healthy choices.

Understanding coincidences are signs

Narcissists can be charming and captivating, which are naturally attractive qualities for many people. It’s easy to get fooled by a narcissist’s manipulative and charismatic ways. But if you continue to find yourself in relationships with narcissists, you may be repeating self-destructive patterns from your past.

To consider such situations as isolated and coincidental is simply wrong; Each of these relationships acts as road signs that tell you about your habits of choices.

Supported orientations

There is a delicate balance between seeking a caring relationship with a partner and codependency in the relationship. For people who derive their sense of identity from caring for and making others happy, codependency can be slippery.

Symbol-dependent features are attractive to many types of abusive personalities, including those with narcissistic tendencies.

Narcissists easily identify partners who will allow them to be the center of attention in the relationship. If you can overlook the negative aspects of a narcissistic partner while completely ignoring your own needs, you will continue to attract dominant personalities into your life.


Narcissists use a range of emotionally manipulative strategies in their relationships. If you are not a manipulative person by nature, your naivety may be the reason why you are drawn into a relationship with a narcissistic partner. Simply not being able to recognize narcissistic personality traits during the early stages of a relationship is a significant reason why many people find themselves in an entangled and destructive partnership.

Control your destiny

By understanding why narcissistic personalities are drawn into your life, and how your personal experiences and expectations shape your choices, you can begin to chart a new course for your relationships. We cannot simply blame unhealthy relationships on the other partner if we are to grow emotionally and spiritually.