So you’ve come to the end of your hard road with the narcissist.
You’ve mostly walked alone, and the soles of your feet are sore and cracked.
You’re tired, broken, and isolated. Your family isn’t there to support you because you haven’t seen them in a long time.
The narcissist looks like they’re about to do or say something. But you sense that it won’t be good.
I’m here to confirm that, with these classic things narcissists do when their relationship ends.
WhyYou’re Usually the One Who Ends the Relationship
Narcissists are rarely the ones who decide to end the relationship.
They’re secretly afraid of abandonment, and they’ll do everything they can to keep you. Not because they love you, but because they need you.
Related : How Do You Know a Narcissist is Lying?
They don’t want to be alone. All this does is bring their insecurities to the surface; something they’re always trying to avoid.
They’re letting you end it.
So they can be the victim, of course!
You Say It’s Over…
You’ll Be Back!
You will never hear from me again!
You will regret your choice!
The narcissist will explode with rage at the news that you left them.
It was probably a big decision that wasn’t easy for you, but you finally put yourself first. Now comes the hard part – their reaction.
They will either completely abandon you and act like you never existed, or they will obsess over telling people that you were the problem.
They may even lie and say they’ve ended it.
Never take anything into account.
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Come on guys! Your country needs you!
Well… the narcissist needs you.
Are you good at being a flying monkey?
Can you take the time to actually listen to the narcissist’s lies and empathize with them?
Will you sign this contract declaring your loyalty to them?
That’s what they do.
Related : Things That Make Narcissists Lose Their Mind
They will “hire” anyone they can to confide in them. You’re a terrible person. You have problems. They did everything they could. You were the love of their life. They worked so hard to make this work. They are devastated.
The flying monkeys will show up.
Unfortunately for you, this means you will lose people. People you thought were your support system. Coworkers, friends, and saddest of all – even family. You will have to deal with a lot of changes in dynamics as the narcissist takes to the streets to win people over.
The more they win, the more you lose.
It’s a way to isolate you. The narcissist wants to punish you for leaving them. How dare you think that?
Instead of feeling sad that you’re gone, they’re angry that you’ve taken away their main source of narcissism. They’ve been controlling and manipulating you all this time and now, in the blink of an eye, you’re gone.
Don’t think you’ll survive this for long.
Smear campaigns are unrealistic. They’re the most frustrating thing that can happen to anyone. As if enduring a relationship with a narcissist wasn’t hard enough! Now you have to endure more lies and deceit from multiple people.
The narcissist will start a smear campaign spreading lies about you. How you ruined the relationship. What a horrible person you are.
Anything you accuse them of, they’ll throw back at you. This is done to destroy your reputation. You thought it was okay because you’re a good person.
The narcissist has other ideas.
Unfortunately, this can lead to people talking about you, even online. You see that they have the wrong idea about you, but nothing you say or do will cut through the lies the narcissist has told you.
The worst part about smear campaigns is that the more you protest your innocence, the crazier you seem.
Smear Campaign Tips
Don’t feed into what they’re trying to manipulate you with
Pick your battles
Stop trying to convince everyone you’re a good person
Be honest with yourself
Seek support from others who trust you
Try therapy
How can you improve it for yourself?
Most people learn the hard way that they have more control than they think.
Yes, being sucked into the narcissistic smear cycle is horrific, and once you’re in it, it feels impossible to get out.
Related : 10 Things that Trigger Narcissists
When people ignore you, or talk badly about you, it feels like you’re falling apart. Let’s be honest – that’s the narcissist’s intention! They want to see you fall and never get back up.
For them, it’s your ultimate punishment for abandoning them and allowing everything they hate about themselves to become official.
You don’t have to put up with that.
It can be as simple as choosing yourself over everything else that’s going on.
The hate, the lies, the loss of friends or family—it’s not easy. It’s a real grieving process.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, and people everywhere are walking away from drama knowing they have a life to live.
When a narcissistic relationship ends, you’ll be faced with the challenge of breaking free from more than one person.
A narcissist is like a queen bee, and their entire staff will buzz around talking about how you broke up wrong. They’ll make a lot of noise that you need to learn how to shut down.
Your well-being is largely dependent on how you respond to different situations. If you keep coming back to that ending and wondering what you could have done differently, you’re wasting your time.
You did everything you could to make this relationship the best it could be.
Narcissists aren’t in it for love, they’re in it for attention and ultimately karma.
Their goal is to make you suffer, but the real karma is that you’re free. Even if it doesn’t feel like it.
Choosing yourself is how you begin to heal. Choosing you instead of them is how you reclaim your identity and build your self-confidence.
Related : Things That Make Narcissists Lose Their Mind
The best part about the end of anything is the idea that something better will begin. This may not be a relationship right away. As you recover, you will learn things about yourself and grow in your experience.
Narcissists will do everything they can to destroy you when your relationship ends.
It is up to you to stand up for yourself.