It is often said that all narcissists tell on themselves. But how do they do this, and why? Can you learn about narcissistic projection quotes and examples? I’ll talk about what projection is, why narcissistic people use it pathologically, and how it can reveal the truth to you. Understanding narcissists and projection is one of the best ways to break free and heal from toxic individuals.
Recognize narcissistic projection quotes
The projection of a narcissist can manifest itself in several ways. In romantic relationships, at first, a narcissist will idealize you. You are put on a pedestal and told how to be special and different from everyone else. The narcissist seems to be very happy and completely in love with you.
She leads you to believe that you will be the narcissist’s salvation from all past hurt in a relationship of pure, unconditional love.
Over time, however, you start to feel that the bond between the two of you is probably not magical after all. The relationship energy seems darker; the narcissist is less in love with you. At this stage, you find yourself being criticized daily.
However, the malicious words thrown at you are cleverly disguised, blaming you directly. You are trapped in a psychological warfare battle, but you don’t even realize it. The following are classic narcissistic projection quotes, which are used as weapons.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
“You are a controlling and abusive bully!”
“You are a very selfish person.”
“Why are you not more popular?”
“You’re cheating on me.”
“You are worthless.”
“You are a crazy person; you need psychological help.”
“Everything should always be your way, right?”
“You are trying to destroy me.”
These are all common narcissistic projection examples. Many victims of narcissistic abuse will begin to question themselves at this point. You start to wonder; Am I this terrible, bad person?
The narcissist’s struggle
Narcissists do not have a healthy and developed sense of self. Inside every narcissist lies a crumbling, badly damaged true self. This is the original personality or soul of the narcissist, which is irreparably fragmented by adulthood. To compensate, the narcissist has developed a false self is the personality with which you have largely been dealing.
A false self is essentially an ego. However, in pathologically narcissistic people, it manifests itself in a monstrous altered ego. The false self demands perfection, greatness, and privacy from the narcissist at all times. He mercilessly and brutally attacks the narcissist’s original true self if they fail to fulfill unreasonable requests.
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Due to the false self-striving for perfection, the narcissist disowned the broken and unhealed fragments of his personality. The problem that arises now is that these parts need to be set elsewhere.
Why does a narcissist use projection
Over time, the false self inevitably decides that it is not being calmed down or praised enough. As a result of their misconception, the narcissist sees that you have wronged him or her. This may be over something very simple, such as disagreeing with or questioning the narcissist.
The False Self wants to fight back and ‘defend’ against these flaws that he pointed out. Because they do not possess the emotional intelligence to understand and heal, narcissists cannot possess or accept any flaws.
This is where the expectations begin. Projection is a defense mechanism, which is necessary for the survival of a narcissist. Without it, a significant narcissistic injury will be incurred. This sounds like an emotional blur and is unbearably painful for a narcissist. The narcissist wants you to bear all your pain and take responsibility for your behavior so that you can feel relief.
The Restless way of thinking of a narcissist has become so entrenched that they already believe in their fabrications. At the moment of projection, the narcissist sees that you are the one who is at fault and deserves punishment.
Projecting insecurity
Despite dealing with a crippling personality disorder, when it comes to narcissistic projection, many of us can relate to more than we’d like to admit. There are a lot of people with things inside them that they don’t like or struggle to cope with in their psyche. Not everyone has the emotional and mental strength they desire and feels tortured by inner shame, although not to the same degree as a narcissist.
To compensate, many resort to externalizing these uncomfortable feelings, assigning them to a place where it is easier for them to get along. This act is undoubtedly cowardly, which leads to devastating repercussions later. People often do this subconsciously; maybe they were taught this is how you deal with difficult emotions in childhood or watched a narcissistic parent act this way.
Related : Why Does the Narcissist Play the Victim?
The problem is that there will always be another person on the other end of the projection who is likely to feel confused and dissatisfied with his treatment. This individual may realize that he is a victim of projection and distance himself from the person inciting the toxic behavioral pattern. If you are worried that you are projecting your internal problems onto someone else, often without realizing it, now is the time to address why you feel or feel the need to act this way.
The reality of narcissistic projection
The truth about narcissists and projection is terrifying, chilling, and immeasurably sad. In all the accusations that a narcissist makes towards you; the narcissist is talking to himself or herself. They look in the mirror and talk to her. The true and false selves have a very weak connection; the external view is very disturbed.
So, when a narcissist calls you a “controlling, abusive bully” – he or she is talking to a false self. “You are worthless” is what the false self tells about the true self every day. “Why do you hate me so much” is again the narcissist’s self-talk, in which the false self cruelly attacks the real one.
These narcissistic projection examples have nothing to do with you. The narcissist doesn’t even see you; you’re not someone who has your own emotions and personality for him or her. The narcissist is at war in their mind, projection is their weapon. This is not your battle to fight, victory or peace cannot be achieved. The best thing you can do is walk or run away to save yourself.
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