The Real Difference between a ‘Narcissist’ and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

This isn’t a matter of scrutinizing the details.

There are no subtle differences between having Narcissistic Personality Disorder and being a narcissist.

This is crucial, and it’s important to delve into the finer details so that we don’t just accuse the most dangerous people of being narcissists.

We don’t want to label someone who is even slightly arrogant or selfish as a harmful, hateful, and malicious manipulative person.

Let’s move on to these differences…

What You Hear A lot…

Narcissist is a common word these days, isn’t it?

The world we live in is increasingly focused on the self, rather than on a deep philosophical perspective. We live in a “selfie” society, where influencers have a greater impact on their followers than, say, writers or doctors.

Related : 7 Strange Reasons Why Narcissists Believe In Conspiracy Theories

If you can stand in front of a sacred statue and get 250,000 likes the first day, you’re truly successful.

These are the people people often label as narcissists.

Are they right?

What is a narcissist, and is it different from narcissistic personality disorder?

Narcissists: Who Are They Really?

Narcissism is a personality trait. Just as someone can be shy or outgoing, someone can be narcissistic.

This might look like:


Spending too much time in front of the mirror

Excessive self-love

It’s a spectrum. On one end, yes, we all exhibit narcissistic traits in a healthy way. We can be competitive and want that job. We may feel frustrated when we don’t get what we want and feel like we deserved it.

It’s healthy, to some extent, to believe you deserve more than you currently have. It’s also healthy to want to improve yourself in life and become better at something.

Then you can delve deeper into the spectrum, to the other end, and discover…

What Is Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

…Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is an official and recognized condition. It is used by psychotherapists to diagnose and treat NPD, like other mental health disorders.

Related : When THIS Happens The Narcissist Becomes Dangerous!

There are nine official symptoms that a person with NPD may exhibit, and a diagnosis typically includes five of them.

These nine symptoms are:

Haughty behavior, or an exaggerated sense of self-importance

Fantasies of success or power

Lack of insight, if any, into matters

A persistent need for praise and admiration

Lack of empathy

A sense of entitlement

A toxic mix of jealousy, distrust, and competitiveness

Arrogance toward others

Manipulative tactics

You may understand why narcissism in general and NPD may seem similar, but they are not.

People with NPD can be extremely dangerous and frightening to those who don’t know how to deal with them properly.

Understanding The Difference: Will It Change?

The answer isn’t entirely clear, as everyone is different. You may have a strong desire to make the most of your job.

You’ll strive to advance and reach the top without worrying about those around you failing or suffering, because you love what you do.

Related : How Long Does It Take to Recognize a Narcissist?

But this may be the end of the road for you.

Traits of narcissistic personality disorder emerge in childhood or as a child grows through adolescence, and these symptoms continue to develop and become more severe with age.

Narcissism exists in everyone, and it only becomes apparent from time to time.

You may notice it in yourself or someone else, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should start warning yourself and blaming them.

Use What You Know

Knowing what you know about narcissists and Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) goes a long way in keeping your focus clear as you look to the future.

The world is full of arrogant people who only care about themselves. It’s also home to many who fit all the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I personally believe that learning about narcissism will save many lives. Being involved in a relationship with a narcissist, or even working with or being friends with them, can have detrimental effects on you.

Your health.

The decisions you make.

The control you feel over your life.

The way you view yourself.

The job you have, or the hobbies you enjoy.

Related : Why Are Narcissists Emotionally Cold?

It’s time to consider how narcissists affect all of these things, regardless of how they appear in your life.

Knowledge is power. It can be the difference between accepting someone who’s incredibly attractive and being wary enough of their intentions to walk away.


I think this is the one problem people face, and I completely understand why.

There are thousands, if not millions, of people worldwide who suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder who haven’t been diagnosed.

It’s not like someone being diagnosed with cancer, where they voluntarily know something’s wrong. They go for tests and find out what they have.

The person must first acknowledge that they have personality issues and go to a qualified therapist who can say, “You know what? You do have Narcissistic Personality Disorder.”

How many dangerous and toxic people in your life will say, “Oh my God, okay. Well, I need to work on that then, because I don’t want to be toxic.”

Don’t get me wrong—there will be people. But they’re so few that you wouldn’t include them in any statistical results.

But most people wouldn’t.

Think about it.

This goes against everything that Narcissistic Personality Disorder evokes as symptoms.

No one who believes they’re perfect would ever publicly admit that they’re not.

No one who thinks so highly of themselves would believe that anyone else has the intelligence and skills to judge them.

It seems laughable to me to even think about some of the people I’ve met in my life who accept a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and herein lies the problem.

The world is full of people who are unaware of their toxicity; instead of fixing it, they spread it.

They destroy the lives of others.

They trap good, honest, and loving people in relationships that sometimes last for decades, just to gain power and control over them.

They influence and cause widespread repercussions where none exist.

So let me tell you right now: if there is a narcissist in your life, a diagnosis will neither exacerbate nor improve their symptoms.

And you don’t need a diagnosis to confirm the extent of the damage they’ve done to you.

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